Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Central and North America's African Heritage

[1.2] The Tongues: Central and North America Natives
[1] The Raramuri
[2] Apache Cibecue” [Chibikoh].
[3] Ojibwe :The Ojigbwe Peoples

 At about 1920 Europe engaged in the most involving undertakings. They wrote the History of the World, a colossal sentimental volume of the world of what Europeans upheld as the glory of being “White”.  They also further classified the World according to “Color of the Skin”. Then the Southern Americans who were Blacks or Dark-Skin people were like the Africans were removed from History. It was the consensus to minimize what history or to dehumanize in history any writing about the Blacks or Dark-Skin people. These bore the truth of what the Imperial Europe labeled as “Discovery”. That was synonymous with “Founding new land to gun through, pillage and claim every wealth that belonged to the gun-defeated peoples”. By 1929  Edward Sapir was classifying the Native American Languages, not really for the consumption of the natives but the Europeanizing of the peoples vernacular; indeed an academic feat. He recreated the flow or the spreading of language through the Americas. The foremost error was the reversal of the flow of historic events to conform with sentimental theories formulated by Earlier European writers. He assumed that the Natives whom Columbus met on arrival, arrived at the Americas by 35,000 BC, descending from the glaciated World of the Last Ice Age into the “Warm Climatic Americas”. He then postulated the spreading~ thus: from the Eskimo-Aleut  to->  the Algonquian-Wakashan, to-> the Nadene,-> the Penutian, ->the Hokan-Siouan and the (Aztec)-Tanoan groups of languages.
Note that whenever the Native American Tongue is difficult to pronounce, he takes the first few letters and then  adds “an” , or “tec”, or “tian” etc. Unfortunately that changed the true name of the Tongue or Dialect.
We noted the order, of spreading and the reversal of truth of history shown above. Here the true order, flows from the Equatorial to the Tropical and Sub Tropical into the Temperate and Tundra. Into the Temperate and Tundra only when the Last Ice Age glaciers melted ; thus: Az(tec_-Tano(an) , Hok(an)-Siou(an) , the Penu(tian), the Nadene, the Algo(nquian)-Wakash(an), Eskimo-(Aleut).
These languages have been studies by modern linguist but like their predecessors, they have made flimsy bids at Indo-Europeanizing of these Languages.
 Fortunately no Native American Tongue, has lend itself, in its phonemes or the common Tongued Alphabet Systems, to any similarity or intelligibility with any part of Modern Euro-Languages.
The effort focused towards the Pacific had led to the distancing of the Native Americans Origin from the Bering Sea-Siberian Corridor theory. In fact, the further into the Pacific, the trail will become more African than would have given the early writers any comfort.

In the divisive classification, as many as 20 to almost 30 languages now exist in Central America's Native Languages. The Central America Languages have been the least studied of the Languages in the Americas. The spread from the South to the North is evident in the Hoki-Siou language from Central America, the Arikara ~ The language of the People from Southern Arika Chinyere (The Igbo name for the Rocky Mountain Range); which in the case of Arikara Language, was spoken by Central America and the Southern Rocky Mountain regions.
These were members of the Uto-Mezhiko (Uto-Azt(ec)) Language, dominant in Central America including Southern United States; especially in the region of New Mexico.

The reader should note that “Uto” means “Cult” same as the modern “Otu”, and in the context Uto-Aztec to the West African means the Mezhuiko-Cult. The Original word from which the Spanish coined out Aztec was Azutala. “Azu” means the back; and in the context Azu-untala meaning the back of a group of small islands region~ the back of the Onima Karibe ~God's constructed fence, the "Unkwu Chi" as encountered by Africans coming from across the Atlantic. The ancient saw the Karibe Onimas (Caribbean Islands)  as the protecting fence to the main land Central America; especially against the Westward Tropical Currents arriving from the African Atlantic.
The non divisive Linguist, far from being seen as lumping languages, would agree that there is little or no difference between the so called Uto-Aztec and the Tanoa Languages(Tanoan) or the Mezhiko-Language. In the presentation of groups of languages, we find that even the Mayan language of the people Nwahuwa  who spread into the Ugwukatha (Yucatan) spoke the same language that yielded the dialects spoken by Totona/Tanoa in Mehiko [Mexico] and Gwuatamala [Guatemala]. These languages dialects of Mayans are still been spoken by millions before the advent of the Spaniards in all regions of the Caribbean and Central Americas.

[1.2.1The Raramuri People
Children of the Sun :Rara-Muru [Rarámuri]. (Please see the History about the Sungod for more about Ra, Rama, and Rara).
Many Native American in most parts of what is now Mexico know and refer to themselves by the Name “ Rarámuri” which in the original and proper word would have been “Raramuru” which over the times of the Europeans has become “Raramuri” which fortunately retains its original meaning.
*  Mezhiko (Aztec) Language: Tara-Ahumara [Tarahumara];
            *of the Tarakachi [Taracahi];
                   *of the mezhiko (Aztec);
                              *of the Omlec Ahumara
                                           *of West African Igbo Bantuselle Speakers.

The importance of the Language Trail cannot be over emphasized in the “ Re-claiming of Africa’s Links to the World”.  While some similarities with the Umanuforo’s Ederede [Written Language of  Bantuselle] with, the Isibidi of Anuferuna, of the Caribbiens exists, it is obvious that the “Sound from the Mouth” determines the actual similarities in languages. It is therefore the “Spoken Tongue” that determines the place of a Language. The worship of Anuferuna (Anuforo(na)), originated from the Igbo, from Doro Unkanem Ucham's family,  noting that Anuforo was the son of Agbaraike, who became the god Anu-Foro, in association with the god of death Osiri-Oriozu while Anu is the god of the Ancestors, Foro became, Fero the title of a living god and king and son of Doro. 

It is necessary that the readers or the students understand that the “Written Alphabets sometimes do not reflect the actual tongue. For example the Spanish written words [Mañana], [Niño], and [Niña], may have no similarities in written form with the spoken form. One picks out the African origin of the words only in the tongue. The tongue has retained it’s original root the sound: “manyana” “Ninnyo”  and “ninya” of the Double letter Alphabet System of Insular Igbo Bantuselle. In another example we take the Roman words  “Catania, and Cicilia” and note that the ”written words” does not actually represent same thing as the “Tongue or Word Sound from the Mouth”
The tongue says Katanya or Katanyia thus retaining the African Bantuselle root. Similarly we note the “Cecilia” while the “Tongue speaks Chechilia” thus retaining it’s Igbo Bantuselle origin.
The commonest statement of origin is made by the tongued verbs in Latin; the conjugation ending in ; ire, ere and are etc.
These are only a few examples; presented for the fact. The Mayans who were the earliest descendants of the Umu-Alaekeh [Omlec/Olmec] in recorded history spoke the Igbo Language [Bantuselle Language].
The Reader or the Student should note that Bantuselle is the only Supper Group of the Family of World’s Languages spoken by all, during the One World Africans; which the West in their Classification of Races delineated as the Bantu Language. They avoided the “Obvious Choice ‘Igbo’ the origin of the speakers of the Bantuselle Family of World’s Languages”, for the same reason, for not wanting the True African History to be known by the World.

 From beyond the times of the Umu-Alaekeh Olmec/Omlec, through the Mayan Era and to the Aztec, the West African had been spreading their Civilization, Culture, Language and Religion in the Americas. They maintained, reinforced and restocked the Americas with people and Culture.

The Reader or the Student should know that Alaekeh was the name the Ancient Igbos gave to Central and Southern America. That “Umu” means “the Children of” and “Umu-Alaekeh” represents the “the Children of Alaekeh”. It was not difficult to see how Umu-Alaekeh was tongued to Olmec/Omlec.

As we follow the trail of Igbo Bantuselle Languages  from  the Central America’s Natives to Arika Chinyere and Ogundom [North America] we would have shown that, in the Ancient past, the Native Americans were Speaker of the Bantuselle Languge of the One-World Africans .

In the West of West Africa in the Region of Mawuri [Romanized Mauritania] the Ancient Igbos had established the Cities of Tamara and Ahumara, sometimes referred to as Tamara-Ahumara, this was in the north  of Zanahagwa in the Ghannah Durueke in the Igoma Region of Umukeze. This bit of African History was very necessary, to clarify the trail and the Origin of the Native American Group of Languages.
From the Olmec the Bantuselle  language was inherited by the Mayans and then by the Aztecs.
In the Central Americas we have the Language of the “Raramuri” [Children of the Sun  or from the Raising Sun] bearing the prominent link “Tarahumara”.
  According to some linguists Tarahumara is a part of the Tarakachi [Taracahi] group of the Uto Aztec ( Uto Mezhiko) languages of the Natives of the Southwestern United States and  the Western Mexico. Note here that Mezhiko was at different times Mehiko or Meziko  then to European “Mexico” and their civilization trailed back to West Africa for which the Civilization of Central America. This civilization was stamped or labeled Aztec by Europeans. This label “Aztec” eliminates the pre-existing history and substitutes with European fixed history of the region. The speakers of Mezhiko were descendants from a Common African Parent Language. This language is presently called by linguists as the Uto-Aztec (UA). The word “Uto” in the chapter that dealt with Igbo Built Pyramids, means “The Cult” as in the Cult of Osiri Oriozu the god of death.  Among the commonly studied were the Hopi, Ute, Pima, and Nahuatl , Ouechua of Uto-Aztec languages.
The Duruekes of immediate Ouwarrei:  Last Ice Age Homeland of Africans

Map by Chineduemeka Anuforo: All Rights Reserved.
Above see the highlighted yellow Region known by the Ancient as Tamara in Ahumara Durueke during the the One World Africans

After the demise of the Mizhiko (Aztec) Civilization, eradicated by the Spaniards, to give way to the Spanish Colonization of the region; most concentration of “Same Dialect Speakers were dislodged. Like the European power tussles in the “Scramble for Africa” the Americas was the battle ground not only for the actual Wars but mostly battles for “Uncertainties of the Scramblers to Consolidate Hold on a Region”. Noting that opposition from within a territory was an invitation for challenges from other Europeans.
While suppressing the population for an unquestionable control, the Spaniards developed  a copious appetite for the Natural Resourses of gold and precious metals of the Americas.
While they plundered the land, the Spaniards degraded and degenerated the rightful owners. Native Americans were almost exterminated.  The survivals, were dehumanized and demonized. Native Americans were not human beings until the  Papal Bull of the Late 1600 recognized them as possessing souls.
 Even then the spirit for wealth and power did not accept the fact that Native Americans have souls to mean that they have become humans.

The Raramuri speaking peoples of many millions, are today  remaining less that 100,000; scattered through out Mexico with some concentration in Chihuahua[Chi- Huwa Huwa].

 [1.2.2] Undeh Ichie Bikoh[Deshchii' Bikoh](Meaning Ancestors Please!)
Western Apache language:
The speakers of the Language addressed by some writer as speaker of “Ndee Biyati or Nnee Biyati” the Apechi [Apache] Native Americans are located now in the Regions of Arizona in the now United States of America. Their original Home land was the Vast South Mid West of Arika Chinyere.[Western North America] in the lands of the Okwute Arika Chinyere (Arikaras) now the Rocky Mountains .
In the South Mid Western United States what is left of the Speaker of Western Apache Language is the small population of less than 15,000 people. The language that still retain most of the original Ancestral Tongue is the “ Apache Cibecue” [Chibikoh](meaning Please God or God Please!).
In the trail of the movement or the dynamics of Ancestral Language through the Americas we note the Spanish transformation of the word Chibikoh to “Cibecue” and follow the trail North into Canada where the French transformed the same word to “Quebec”. This speaks of the spillover of the Vast range of the Apache into the Ojibwe Peoples of the North West and Canada. These were originally one people decimated, divided and scattered by the European Americans.

[1.2.3] The Ojigbwe Peoples(Ojibwa) : Natives of Arika Chinyere:
It is proper at this instance to note that the word Ojigbwa is pronounced with the “Gbw” a one syllable sound the “gb” are silently rushed into the “wa” one sound . A reminder to the British and the French who lived in Africa especially in West Africa that they encountered similar or the exact word  Ojigbwa .

In this History we pick out the Ojibwa originally a People and Language in the Igbo Land of West Africa, who are the Bantustans. Ojibwa or Ojigbwa or Ojinbwa have same meaning. Ojibwe and Ojibwa are Twin Names same as Ojingbwe and Ojingbwa.   Ojibwa, Ojibwe and Chippewa are insular Igbo and represent the presence of  ancient Igbos of West Africa in the Americas. History has managed to preserve the confirmation of the Ojigbwe Origin in their cultures, way of Life and religious beliefs.
They were known for building canoes with birch bark,
sacred birch bark scrolls,
use of cowries shells for trading,
cultivation of wild rice, and use of copper arrow points.
 The underlined italics links the Ojibwe to the Igbos [Bantustan Origin] in West Africa. It also places the chronological date to the Neolithic Stage Africa. It aids the understanding that West African were coming and going to this part of the World from the Paleolithic African Stage about 80,000BCE through the Neolithic, Bronze Age to modern times, just before the emancipation of Europe.

The Ojibwa was among the largest groups of Native Americans. They spread from  Central America, into Arika Chinyere which was the Western North America and the Mid-West centered in the Great Lakes. The names such as Minnihaha [Miri-Haha](Mini-Haha), Chikagø, Minnesota, Michiga, Dakota and Lakota naming just a few, to testify to their presence in large populations before the advent of the British, the French and Spanish. They were established as a Nation with their own forms of Government, Religions, Social Structures and political institutions. They did not loose sight of the fact that they were a people sharing same origin, cultures and language.

They became divided during the post-Columbia Colonization; which almost completely exterminated them. To the Ancient Native American such divisions as Mexico, United States and Canada did not exist.
As the colonial wars raged from East to West in their land, the natives saw increase in divisions and fragmentation of their societies.

This, in effect, says that the early Europeans did not see them as humans and that was the price they paid for their Homeland.
They were incited to accuse separated tribe for the uncountable events that befell then during the Colonization of their homeland.  The application of Divide and Rule Policy, the Colonialist declaration of war that dispossess the Native Americans of their Homelands, the empowerment of armed Individual European to kill to acquire possession of lands coupled with the social dehumanization and demonizing of the people as savages and subhuman, were all very powerful and efficient machinery implemented against the Native American by Europeans.

 In isolation from the South, those caught in what is now call Canada became the Cree and the Mississauga [the name  from which the now Mississippi River was derived].
 Note the [uga] that ended the word [Mississa] is only a shift in the use, not of  pronunciation or spelling; for it remained the same as Uga the identity of a River Meandering as in Uga- Umiri. It can also be a shift in spelling and pronunciation from~ Uja the name of a River [as in Uja  the Niger]; and Aba-Uja the Confluence of the Niger and Benue now the name of the Capital of Nigeria. From the confluence of the Missouri and Mississa was the name Mississauga  [Mississauja] arose with the longer River bearing the Uja.  Mississauga was renamed by the Europeans to Mississippi. The Kree [Cree] was the largest Native Americans Tribe of the Ojigbwa (Ojibwa) Peoples of  North America, with  population in the millions in the pre-Columbian times. Today there are fewer than 220,000 living in Canada. The Cree Homeland stretched north and west from the Great Lakes, into Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Northeast into Cibecue (Chibikou) [Quebec].  The Mississauga people owned and inhabited Northern Regions of the Mississippi and stretch from their into Canada in the regions known now as Ontario. The Mississauga Inhabitants in the United States, had no political boundaries in the pre-Columbian times with the seemingly separate Ojibwe peoples as of a separate nations but rather as Tribes of the Same Nation of the then Native Americans.
These other Tribes during the Colonial wars were dislocated and separated into  the Navajo, Cherokee and the Lakota etc. After the defeat of the Ojigbwe in Canada, they were moved out of their Native Home Land into the Plains. In what is now United States, the dislocated and isolated, Ojibwe include the Ojibwe family who spoke the Dialect Anishi-Nwaegbe [the Anishinaabe-speaking peoples]. Other dialects in the now United States include Poto/Kpota-Nwauntomi[Potawatomi], Algokwu or Ala Ugwukwu [Algonquin], Nippishi [Nipissing], Oji- Kree [Oji-Cree],  and Odawa . The highlighted were not spoken by the Ojigbwe peoples. These were Europeanized Language and sign of difficulties with proper pronunciation of the Ojigbwe Language words. In the pre-Columbian Times, the Ojigbwe people’s Homeland in the U.S., stretches across the northern Mid-West from Michigan to the Pacific.

[1.2.4]Ala Ugwu Ukwu-Nwakashi (Algonquian-Wakashan);
.  In the Ala Ugwu Ukwu-Nwakashi (Algonquian-Wakashan), we find that the root tongue that united them as a group were more of the Ojigbwa (Ojibwa) Tongue or what has often been referred to as the language of the Chikpuwa (Chippewa) language. The Western Regions known by the Ancient as Arika Chinyere which included the  Midwest Plains and the  Rocky Mountains were dominated by the language of Umu Arikara Nwakashi  and ønandegha of Ala Ugwu Ukwu-Nwakashi (Algonquian-Wakashan) to the Rockies and Ojigbwe in the Midwestern Plains . In the  Eastern Regions which the Ancient had known as Ogundom the Appalachi Range (Appalachian) the dominant Tongue was the Umu-Osagwe Ojigbwe language (the Osage Language). The Irokwu (Iroquoian) and the ønandegha are very similar and intelligible. These are spoken from Central America through Southern United States to the Midwest in the region now Oklahoma, Nebraska, Wisconsin and Chiga-Agø(Chicago), and the Eastern region of the United States especially in the region now New York, and to the Carolina.  
    These  major language groups when properly analyzed in relation with the Central American and Southern Region of North American Languages, a trend emerges that conscript the Northern Languages as Dialects of the Dominant Southern Tongues. It is this trend that the colonial linguists could not bring themselves to accept. It removes the Baring Sea theory with reference to the origin of the natives of the Americas out of the picture and makes it a mere speculation or fictional history.

[1.2.5]The Ala Ashikka[Land of Ice]
 The Handed Down History recognition of the land of Ice was not the Iceland of the modern times but rather the Ice Desert they called the Ala Ibidara Ashikka during the Last Ice Age. Then, this region stretched from the limits of the Sub-Tropical North and South of the World’s Hemispheres. The name remained unchanged even after the Last Ice Age had retreated. Then  Ala Ashikka included the Polar Ice Cap;  the Tundra, and the Tundra Parma-Frost. In the Ice Age, Ala Ashikka extended from the  Ice Capped Poles to the North of Sub-Tropical Regions of the World. The Ancestors also referred to this phenomenon as the Ala Ibidara Oyi (Desert land of cold)
Ala: means Land as in Ala Enge translated to Engeland to England~ Land of the Enges
Ibidara Ashikka: means the Desert of Ice
             Ashikka: means Ice
Ala Ibidara Oyi : means the Desert Land of Cold
The Europeanization of Ala Ashikka is Alaska. While limited now, to  the Territory now part of United States, the regions of  Ala Ashikka still stretches round the glob’s Tundra and Polar Regions.
The spreading from the Central Americas including the South of North America into the what is now Canada, also reached Alaska and Greenland. They had direct settlement from the Ancient Igbo. Later we  will  discuss the  Ogundomian Liniment of the Americas, showing the People of Alaska and the differences between them and the Umu-Chikwuchi (Chukchi) and Umu Kamchatka who hold their origin from the spreading path from the South of the Umurimmah of Umu Chinna (China) and Umu Ariate (Regions of Japan and Korea).
Rasmus Rask in 1818 tried with no success to establish genetic relationship  between the Eskimo-Aleut of Ala Ashikka via language tongues and did not find any similarities with any language in the Europe or Asia. Since then other writer have tried as in the 1998’s Uralo-Siberian hypothesis by Michael Fortescue. These attempts present no factual evidence to support the “Traditional Claim of the Migration of the Ancestors of the Native Americans across the Ice Bridged of the Bering Sea from Siberia” They failed. The Bering Sea Theory has remained, but a theory with no evidence or substantive fact; and has no ground to become a True History. The truth is clear, glaring and obvious that the Ancestors of  the Native Americans the Umu Alaekeh (Olmec/Omlec) were already in the Americas more than 40,000 years than the Bering Sea’s claimed period, for such a migration. The signature of the Igbos(the Bantu) had been made permanent upon the Earth by 40,000 years before Bering Sea claim; especially in the Equatorial and Tropical World. Igbo(the Bantu) has withstood all effort to erase, obliterate and replace or match it. It has survived and waxing stronger everyday as the earth continues to give-up its secrets. Looking backward and inwards, into their origin, the European also will see themselves in  the Igbo(the Bantu). It seems that in the hunt to eradicate the World Igbo, Igbo(the Bantu) resiliently resists the World.
Here at the roof of the Earth, where not much tampering and mutilating had intentionally been going on, Igbo names that are similar to 99% intelligible abound.
The Eskimo-Aleut languages  belong to the  Ala Ugwu Ukwu-Nwakashi (Algonquian-Wakashan), part of the Rarakuru Chukwunaba and Rarakuru Kwchiwa of the  Americas. The Ancestry is not different. The difficulty in positioning the Alaskan-Greenland languages in the World Language Classification, was created by the Bearing Sea Migration Theory. It reversed the flow and dynamics of the spreading of the Ancestor of the Americas. The tail became the head and lacks the semblance necessary to relate it to other languages. One must note that in trying to find the relatives of the Eskimo-Aleut languages, no attention or consideration was given to Central America or Africa. Yet before there was an Europe as we know today, the Igbo(Bantus) had populated the World.  

[2]The Atlantic Ocean [Oshimiri-Ouwerre]
The claim to a Paleolithic Cro-Magnon descent and the establishment of a Cro-Magnon Race has defiled all justification to a single origin of man. Its failure to provide reasonable proof has made it dubious and annoying.
The questions Asked are:[1] by what study, biological, physiological, or anatomical, or Gene generated factual evidences regarding the existence of the Cro-Magnon as claimed?.
[2] What are these evidences  that differentiated the Cro-Magnon from any other human living at same period in history.
[3] What are the evidences that relates the so called Cro-Magnon to the humans who are claiming  to belong to a “Race of Cro-Magnon” today.
The Africans who occupied Northern Ouwerre the Middle Block of the Handed Down Atlas were entirely Blackish. The Paleolithic Equatorial Africans who had spread into the colder regions of the World did not become Cro-Magnon when they got to those regions. All observable evidences indeed testify that those Africans became lighter in complexion the further away they were from the Equatorial Region. The Earliest Advanced Human Culture the 1st Nuk Civilization of the Paleolithic Age Africa, preserved their identity as  “their brothers and sister who now have become Indi-Arya ]Light-Skinned People]”. Today we know without any erroneous theories and hypothesis and Fictional Doctrines, but by pure observable fact that if the so called descendants of the“Cro-Magnon Race” were to be immersed in the Equatorial Region’s Climate for less than 2000 years they will ones again revert to being Black People from whom they owe their origin. In the cycle the gene merely traveled. In its travel, it adapted to changes in Climate and Environment. This Genetic Adaptation Process is not a Gene Mutation Process, but rather Genetic Cladding Process and therefore is reversible.
 In the Direct Heat of the Sun it will shade the skin thickness and in the Cold of Winter, it puts on Genetic Winter Coat, by for example, thickening the Skin.. In the Heat of the Direct Sun the Gene builds up defense against the Sun’s ray by pigmentation of the skin and in the Cold Winter Region it shades the pigmentation and absorbed what little heat was available.
By the Paleolithic African Stage which preceded  the Paleolithic Stage of all the Regions of the Glaciated Ice-Age World  outside the Equatorial and Tropical Africa by more than 38,000 to 22,000 years, the so called Bantus were spreading and occupying the world .
By the Late Neolithic Africa Stage, and Early Bronze Age Africa, one would be implying  Paleolithic Stage of what we now know as the Temperate Europe. The Handed Down History spoke of travels into  the “Onima” of  Oshimiri-Ouwerre [Islands of the Atlantic Ocean].  It named certain places which were on the general path of the Bangwuello Equatorial Ocean Currents (B.E.O.C) and others in the general path often taken by the trans-Oshimiri Ouwerre migratory route of the birds. These Onima[Islands] served the Africans as Ocean Heavens, where sailors go, to wait for favorable wind and weather, before traveling to either Ala Bekeh [Central Europe] through Ala Indi Enge [England, Wells, Scotland and Ireland] ;  which is now a Region of Europe or  they would travel to Ala-Ekeh; now South America , Ala Ogundom Regions of what is now the Eastern North America  and Arika Chinyere which in now known as Western North America most often through the Onima Oshimiri  Ogundom na Alekeh [The Islands of Ogundom and Alaekeh Ocean] meaning the Islands of the part of the Atlantic known as Ogundom-Alaekeh Ocean [Central America’s Islands].

File from the Wikimedia Commons.English: Ocean Currents and Sea Ice from Atlas of World Maps, United States Army Service Forces, Army Specialized Training Division. Army Service Forces Manual M-101 (1943). Türkçe: Dünyanın büyük akıntılarının şeması Date :1943. Source: Edited version of File: Ocean currents 1943 (borderless).png
Author: US army. File from the Wikimedia Commons.

The above Map depicts the closest description of the Intra and Trans Atlantic Voyages made by the Ancient Bantustan. The map showed the central route maintained by the Tropical Oceanic Hurricane from the Bangwuella [Benguela] in West Africa to Central America.  The History did claim that there were steady earlier voyages between 80,000 BC to 18,000 BC the voyages were mostly to places where their were no extreme cold from  Ala Ashikka [Land of Ice]. The map below approximates the regions covered by the West Africans during the Glaciations of the Lands Longitude 40 Degrees North and 40 Degrees South  

Paleolithic African Stage 200,000 BC to 45,000 BC: The Ancient West Africans concentrated their Traveling within Longitude 40 Degrees North and 40 Degrees Sought of the Equator. By the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Stages of Africa “All Worm Oceans of the World had been Sailed and most Oceanic Islands Discovered and Inhabited.
Outside of Longitude 40 degree North and 40 degree South, The Land and Ocean were Glaciated and uninhabitable. Theories of migration into such Regions between the  Paleolithic Stage Africa to the Early Neolithic Stage Africa were erroneous; hence it has been impossible to sustain them.

Chineke [God] who revealed the distant lands to the Ancestors also taught them the knowledge of the Sun , the Moon, Eniigwe(the Heavens), of Igolos, [ Superior Stars] Kpakpando [the Principal Stars], Undo (Grouped Stars) and  Undondo [Common Stars]. He [God] also set within the Oshimiri [Ocean]; many Onimah [Islands]. As the ancient went to Sea, they often head to Uta Chi Kwereh ~ the Bow that God had Sprung [as is shown in the map]. This bow’s arrow was then called the “Aro Eji Eje Unjem” implying that the Arrow points out the Direction for Travels. The three circled Islands were known as Heaven for both Sailors and Migratory Birds. The Ancient Africans had the understanding to describe their where-about in the vast Sea-World by naming the Ocean after the Land Mass near it. From any part of West Africa during the Neolithic Africa, sailors had always sailed along the coast of Oshimiri Biafra till the reached the Onimah  Hirimahi Biafra [Biafra Cyclic Islands] from where they sailed to“Ukwu Agu Azoma Uukwu ~the Uta Chikwere; Aro Eji Eje Unjem”: meaning the Islands of the Azoma-Ukwu’s Lion’s Toes; the Bow that was strung by God; and the Arrows that point out the directions to travel. These Onimah [Islands], today are called the Verdes Island.

Description of the Onima Azoma [ Verdes Island]:
       [a] The Bow’s ends  directs the sailor to continue along the Coast of Ouwerre [Africa-
            Europe] north to the Arya Iberi Ouwerre [ Mediterranean Lands] to Ala Bekeh
            Ouwerre [Central Europe] and to Ala Arya Ugbala Ouwerre [The people known to be
            White as Pelacan ~Scandinavia to Siberia]. The narrator called, then Arya Iberi -Igbo,
             Beheh-Igbo, and Ugbala-Igbo respectively.
To the modern Igbo the Bantustans, the above revelation makes the entire Europe
 member of the Family, Bantustan, the children of Igbo.
[b] The String-end of the Bow directs the sailor to Ala Ogundom and Arika Chinyere
      (North America)
            The Bow and the South-end of the String Points to: ~ the direction of Alaekeh and also
             towards the Southern African

The Boat is principally illustrated in the rock shelters of the Dogon area, in the cave in Bamako (Mali) and also in the Marghi region (Nigeria). On the Background are representations of ritual ceremonies. The association of the background painting with the like of circumcision initiation or wedding ceremonies have their merits in the Minimalist Age assigned to the period  of 11,000 BC, This falls into the Bronze Age Africa. The only dominant Africans were the Igbos who also has the culture of circumcision dating as back as 38,000 BC.