Friday, September 23, 2016

[1] Ethnology: Central and South America Natives.
Stronger than the Stone Heads of the Americas are the Linguistic obvious similarities and intelligibility of the Central and Southern American Languages with the Bantuselle especially the Niger Basin Bantuselle Language Family.

[1.1] The South American Ethnologic Family: ~(Children  of the Sun): Rara Kuru

In the Americas as was the case with Africa the partitions and boundaries imposed on the once unbounded region has created Countries that no longer see themselves as one people, one society and one origin.
From the Kariba through all of the North of South Alaekeh(South America), one language was spoken. This language was spoken even with dialects that were similar as they were inteligible to each other. The Igbo(Bantu) Language Arakawa (Arakwa) out of which all the other dialects emerged cannot be differentiated both in sound and semantics. In this region, the Arakawa (Arakwa) is the primary tongue. Kariba is the most immediate and more linguistically similar to the Arakawa. The further one moves from Arakawa and Kariba, the dialects become heavier. The spreading away from the Coastal and Equatorial region generated such dialects as the (Chibiche)~ Chibicha , Ge(Geh), (Kwechuwa)~ Quechua , Tupi, Aymara  and  Arawuka~ Arauka. As we continue with Native American tongues, we will encounter the underlined portion of these tongues which represent the Europeanization of the local vernacular. Away from the West Indies (the Onimas of Oshimiri Alaeke na Ogundom) ~ the Caribbean Sea Islands into the Continental mainland, the dialects of Arakawa-Kariba flourished in Brazil. It became the common tongue in the Western Brazil Amazon, Bolivian Amazon, Peru and in the Coastal Lands now called Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. To the South of Brazil into Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile the Tupi of Arakawa family was dominant.

[1.2] Mega Phylum: Niger Arakawa-Kariba
     (1) Rarakuru Chukwunamba [Tupinamba] (Note Chukwu was translated to Tupu then Tupi 
           by the Portuguese).  Tupinamba (Abrviated Tupi)
         (1a) Brazil Tupinamba 
         (1b) Paraguay Tupinamba 
     (2)  Rarakuru Kwechiuwa (Kwechuwa)
          (2a) Nwanka Kwechiuwa in the Peru Mountains  
          (2b) Kwechiwa Runa Simi and Nwakasgi 
          (2c) Chicha Nwanka
                  (2c1) Nwala Nwanka 
                  (2c2) Nwachiwa Nwanka
                  (2c3) Shanwashi Nwanka
      (3) Kajamaraka Kwechiwa In the Peru Mountains 
           (3a) Aka Lenwa Kwechiwa
           (3b) Aka Fernafe
     (4) Inkenwashi Kanari Loja
           (4a) Inkechiwa Kwechiuwa Peru, 
           (4b)Colombia and Ecuador~ Chimburazo Inkechiwa and Unbaburu Inkechiwa 

The test is for the Indigenous Natives of  Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina the peoples of the Central Andean Mountains and the Brazilian, Paraguayan of the Amazon Paraguay regions as to the “Similarities” and “Intelligibility” of these  Tupi/Simi/Imi (Tongues  or Tribal Tongues) of their people with the African Bantuselle.

 The most striking similarity is the absence of “C” and “Q” in these Tongue. This results in an alphabet system void of the character “C”. This symbol “C” is a non-tongued European diversion from their original Bantuselle Tongues. It has been employed to Europeanize the Insular Bantuselle Alphabet Sounds of K, Ka. Ki, Ku, Ko, and S, Se, Sh,
Even the symbol  “Q” is the replacement of  the African tongue-sounds~ Kw, Kwu, Kh, Kwi, Kwa, Kwe, Kii; the Kwa, Ka, Ko, etc. It originated from the brake up of Igbo(Bantu) Double Alphabet symbol “CH(ch)” yielding the morphemes [ch]; [c]; [h] ”. While [Ch] and [H] are inherent insular Igbo(Bantu), [c], then was employed by European as a rover symbol that sometimes may take the place of  [S(s)] and [SH(sh)]  or the place of [K(k)] to reduce what the colonial classifiers perceived as Sh-sh-sh and Ka-ak-ka sounds in their own tongues and to deffer somewhat from Africans.
Examples:  “C” in  Kolombia (Colombia), or in kan (can) or in Kup (cup) or Senter (center), Sertifikate (Certificate).
Now, notes that “C” that begins the word Certificate replaced “S” while the same latter “c” replaced “k”; In the European Alphabet system C is same as S or K etc. Every sound from the tongue has its unique alphabet. Now with the completeness of the original inherited tongue, it became very easy to manipulate either by elimination or by substitution or by creation of roving alphabets as seen above.
Examples: “Q” in  Kwechuwa (Quechua) or Kwubeki (Qubebec), or Kwiiki ([Quii[c]k]) (Quick)  or “kw” in Ekwɔlø (Equal) or Ekwetɔr (Equator) or Kweshionu (Question) or as in Kwiiki (Quick)      
Examples by elimination: “ɔ” is an original tongued-alphabet but eliminated by the English and substituted with [u] pronounced as the “u” in  Kɔp/(Cup). It is also often replaced with “Or” as in Ɔdɔr (Ordor); the same was the fate of “ɔɔ”; ɔr and “ɔɔr” ; “ɔrr”.
The Sound  “ø” was always replaced with the sound of “OO”, “yoo” “Uwz” as in øzbek (Uzbek), or økhraine (Ukraine) or ølm (Ulm).
  The shortening or removal or replacement of the Double/Triple Letter African Alphabets coupled by spelling according as pronounced, European accent has made it not so easy to reconstruct Languages that have been influenced in the “European attempts at pronouncing the tongues of other Languages” . Only the speaker of a tongue can effectively tell the similarities between his tongue and another persons.

Note: The above examples in alphabet letters are rover letters that enable the European derive from the pre-existing Language tongues, the new words. They intentionally tried to pull away from their own ancestral tongue in pursuit of conformity with the so called Indo-European Language.

If many of the  removed, changes or hashed, were restored or returned to the tongues in Europe, especially the Old Kel and Eseh of the Ancient English,Welsh, Irish and Scottish, the reconstruction will reunite them into their ancestral clan. The same also goes for the Potokiri-Panya (Portuguese, French, Spanish) or (Ostiya) Latin. The World would with good understanding re-write history.

Below are the South American Major Languages. The Language of the Original Societies that retained the links, which recognize the fact that the American Ancestral Society, was of same origin from the beginning.
In Romanized Alphabets the Languages of the peoples of  South American as is the case also of the Central and North America spells out without mistake the obvious dissimilarities between the Native American Tongues and any European tongues.

But if one was not informed that the Languages under investigation here were not from the Americas, there will be an obvious consensus, that they were African Tongues spoken by African; yet they are American.

The refusal to see the fusion between the Native Americans and the West Africans was in the past when the Imperialist and Neocolonialist West determined for the world, what was history, anthropology, linguistics.

Today the West is different and the world has become conscious of false History, false Anthropological records and erroneous classification of Languages. But falsification with conscious refusal to disambiguate or apologize for misleading the world, does not annihilate the Truth ; the truth patiently waits to eventual, convict and condemn the in-humility in refusing the Truth”.

Today, there are still in existence those who cannot even with tears, accept, the History of Africa even as  presented in the History for Africa by  UNESCO thus:
     “Although the phenomenon may vary in different places, it is now quite clear that ways of feeling, thinking, dreaming and acting in (certain) nations of the *western hemisphere have been marked by their African heritage. The cultural inheritance of Africa is visible everywhere, from the southern United States to northern Brazil, across the Caribbean and on the Pacific seaboard. In certain places it even underpins the cultural identity of some of the most important elements of the population” . …. (UNESCO) General History For Africa.

We introduce the Fusion of Society and the Language of the Society between the African Society and the American Society. This fusion is spelled out in the ways the Americans reason, think, dream and carry-on. The inherent characteristics that shaped their lives. Their inherited cultures, their formation/building of the society, their Language, the node of processing ,the institutions and politics play most important role in the reconstruction of the ancient society and people. The most obvious to a modern investigator is the “Tongue” of the Language which they shared, with the African original ancestors. This is the un-polluted tongues of the One Society Origin, of the Native Americans~ the African Society.

In the past Europe dominated investigations into world languages, it was severely and severally objected; to consider Africa as the “Origin of Anything, not even in and within Africa”.
In the field of Linguistics, no considerations were extended to Africa as the origin and source of  any language in the World outside Africa. This is becoming very costly as the World re-looks at histories of the Colonial-Imperial writers.
 As regards the Americas, they have made the noble field of Linguistics a laboratory where, people ferment theories and hypothesis regarding the origin of  the languages of the Native American Tongues. No Culture really existed and prospered without a language and every language tends to create a culture.
The obvious remains present, and continues to maintain the fusion, between the Native Americans and Africans especially the West Africans; just as it had in the past in spite of all the volumes of theories compiled by Western Linguists.

Within the Central Americas; as in the Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina region, the Tongued Alphabets of the Old Tupi as was spoken by the Tupi-people, bears uncanny similarity to the Igbo(Bantu) Tongue, from which the Bantustan Languages (Bantuselle) originated. This “Tongue” extended the links from Central American Raramuru to Rarakuru in Peru of the children of Kwechuwa and Kajamaraka; Inkechiwa in Colombia and Ecuador into Aymara people of Bolivia and Chille and the Navajo in United States, the Inuit of Alashikka (Land of Ice) which included Greenland.
For more on this topic please wait for the publication of the African Odyssey~ The History of Africa and the World.