Friday, December 23, 2016

Ancestors of the Modern Brilliant Britons.

[3.3]Ancestors of the Modern Brilliant Britons. [From the African Language History].
The British Isle
We mentioned under the Map of the Middle Block of the World the Ouwarre, that the Ancient British Isle was not glaciated as much as the other Temperate Climatic Regions were, during the last Ice Age. The Gulf stream aided accessibility during the times that the mainland Central Europe was buried under miles thick sheets of Ice. The period of discovery and occupation of the Canaries, Madeira and the Azores were sometime as the Aria Iberi, beyond France and the Islands now called Great Britain. These dated beyond the 180,000 BC.  By 22,000 BC the Igbos (Bantus) began  the re-visitation, re-occupation and re-population of these Islands and the un-glaciated Coastline of what is now Western Europe.
Since Early 1900 AD the European historians, European Biologists, Sudo-Scientists such as  Linguistics Writers, Sociologist, Anthropologists etc have all exhausted the brainstorming on trying to prove to the world that their ancestors, such as the Eseh and Kel Speaking West African, came from India to occupied the Atlantic Europe or to bequeath language to the much older peoples than India.
For centuries they have been reconstructing and mutilating their ancient Ancestral languages. It seems that the Ancestors who supposedly, were of an inferior breed of humans must have accidentally or by some freak of nature, produced the modern brilliant people of the British Isle.
 It seems logical, that by some acquire dispositions and or acquired fiendish spirit of sentimentalism, the Historians and Sudo Scientists had so indoctrinated or hypnotized the people to want so much to disown their true ancestry. 

In the Handed Down History the West Africans had already reached and occupied, re-occupied and re-stocked the lands known now as Europe several times in the Paleolithic and the Neolithic Stages of Africa. These early occupants were pushed back into Africa by the Advancing Glaciers of the Last Ice Age. The people from the North of the Temperate Lands and the Tundra were recognized as Umanna Obiike the were earliest to return. The were Ugbala Arya Obiike (White as Pelican and Resiliently Strong). Today the the region is North of Ala Umanna Ike (North of Germanic Lands). Ugbala Arya of Umanna Obiike included what is now the Scandinavia, Russia and Siberia.

Renewed reoccupation began from Homeland Africa to restock and repopulate the melted out parts of Temperate Europe between,13,000 BC. and 4000 BC. The melting climaxed between 8,000-4000 BC. ……Handed Down African History.
By 11,000 BC the dissipating Rain Shadow over the Sahara, with its associated increase in wetness had by 9,000 BC -8,000 BC generated the Saharan Mega Lakes. At the same time, the Oceans and the Inland Seas were swollen from melting glacier ice, innundating and swallowing up many Islands and lowlying coastal lands.
 The  Oshimiri Owalla (the Inland Sea or Mega Lake linked Lake Chad to the Mediterranean Numidi (Libya)), at Ucham now Chad, the family of Igbo ruled by Four Umanuforos. since 38,000 BC were united under one ruler, Chinyere Umanuforo~ The Doro Unkanem Ucham. This has been the title of the first ever known Doro(Emperor in history) 8,000 BC. He also named the city after himself Unkaneme. For 30,000 years the family Igbo had been a Roving Nation establishing the standards set at the Covenant of God with Igbo, sealed with the Blood of Circumcision. They taught man to respect fellow humans. They championed the law against cannibalism. They created rules that allowed every man to have his own house or home, wive(s) and family. They established the rules of association, settlement of misunderstanding and communal living. They taught the world about Chi Na Eke Na Amadei and of the gods that God created. Religion then was power. By 22,000BC, God renewed the First Time his covenant with man. This era saw the emancipation of the Igbos in Cultures, Civilizations, including Language. They brought Sailing to its all-time climax. The revisited all Warm Climatic Lands of the then earth. By 8,000 BC, God gave Chinyere Umanuforo the Ederede (the knowledge of )writing and enabled him to establish the Clan Kingdoms of Kings. If you were not a member of Doro's Family, an Igbo, and therefore a descendant of the Clan you would not be accepted as a ruler in any part or place in the World between 8,000 BC and 2,000 BC. 2,000 BC marked the height of Inheritance Kingdoms and onset of Inheritance Wars. By 1,000 BC The Culture of Kings and Kingdom and Inherited Kingdoms have proliferated throughout the Equatorial, Tropical and Sub-tropical World. Regions of influence began to develop as territories, city-states and independent clan-hood of people, held together, by knowledge of their immediate common origin… ….Handed Down African History

(1) There was nothing like the claimed Exodus, which was purported to have occurred in Africa in historic period about 45,000 BC and 35,000 BC or there-after. Africa and Europe were “One Block”; nothing separated them.(See the Handed Down Map View of the World). The Mediterranean Sea was at its all time low between 70,000 BC and 35,000 BC as the Last Ice Age peaked.
It was easy to wade across the Mediterranean. Migration was by spreading and occupying the accessible neighboring vicinity and advancing to the next nearest land. The spreading African peoples, to any land, did also know their way back to their original home, and did use them, back to Africa and frequently and freely, especially to return their dead Durus~ Rulers(later called kings) for proper ceremonies for their passage into  Ancestral Spirit Kingdom of Kings. …….Handed Down African History.

The spreading from West of Africa into what then was part of African Home-Land now  Mediterranean Europe was early; much earlier than the spreading into Asia Minor directly from  Africa or to India from Aryallaya (Asia Minor).
Europe was nearer and more accessible to Africans from Oshimiri Ouwarre(the Atlantic Ocean), through North Africa across the Mediterranean and even from Asia Minor, than India was.

It is only in the irony of Colonial History that the Older and established lgbo Language in Europe especially in the Subtropical or Mediterranean Igbo Homeland, now claiming origin from a much younger Region and Language of India.
 The Subtropical Region which is now the Mediterranean Europe is the oldest part of what is now Europe. By the Neolithic Stage of Africa when the rest of Europe was buried under glaciers, they lived and had their being as Africans. They did not know otherwise. They were not, Cro-magnons, or Neanderthals and no ancestor of Europeans, from the Paleolithic through the Neolithic to the Bronze Ages of Africa crossed into Europe, passing through the Caucasus Mountain Region. The North of the Caucasus Mountain Region was not accessible due to the ice-cap of the land. Only when a true, and non-sentimental study is carried out to establish the origin of most lowlands, depressions, and lakes within and near the Longitude 40 degrees from Eastern Europe to the Mongolian Lands, would one agree that every thing Northwards was covered and buried during the Last Ice Age till about 11,000 BC. Rather the Caucasus Mountain Region lands, were occupied from the Mediterranean.

(a) Is Indo-European a Cro-magnon Language? or,
(b) Is Indo-European from the Neanderthal Language? or,
(c) Is Indo-European from the Inhabitants of the Caucasus Mountain Region?
(d) How did Indo-European fly from India to Europe and did not pass through Asia Minor and the Ancient Lands of the Aryallaya Iberi?

It has not occurred to the World to assume for a moment that Colonialist Britain reigned without knowledge, of the tremendous extent to which Indian and the Asiatic Languages have similarities with the Bantuselle (Common African Language )(Niger Basin-Niger Congo Bantu Languages),
 because such an assumption would be false. 
The claim to India by Europe was based on the commonalities found in all tongues inherited from their common origin the Bantuselle Mega Language Phylum. It only lends itself in support of the Common Origin of Languages from Africa. It is impertinent to think that the spreading Africans had no language, culture and civilizations of the age. The most absurd would be the claim that they were people who click-tongue. That was a nasty propagation and renewal of violence to Africa by singling out the Isolated People in hiding in the hottest desert in the World the Kalahari Desert. 
They lost the native tongue and replaced it with clicks as survival depended on silence and stealth.   
(2) Spreading from Africa took centuries to cover Asia Minor before reaching India by land. It was not the case by Sea to India which was much quicker from Chisomayo and Unna-Anyei Urobi (Nairobi). This did not happen before occupation of Mediterranean Europe. Mediterranean Europe was at least 15,000 years older than India, considering all circumstances, distance and time from the West Africa to India.

(3) The Africans especially the West African spread into Asia Minor from Ouwe Unke -Ishi( the City of Ouwe of Kush) [Sinai] and from Abyssinia into Asia Minor (Middle East or Near East) and from there, into India much later. They were not in any hurry.

Britain knew that both the Indian and the Chinese Languages were lexically similar to and more intelligible with the West African Niger Basin Igbo Language, except, the Ancestral Languages of Europe, which was most similar and intelligible with West African Igbo, than with any other people. The Reconstructed Europeans Languages may rid self of the Insular Igbo(Bantu) double letter alphabets, the flow of spoken tongue has remained~ the cognitive structure of meaning as inherited from Africa has persisted.

The Question is why has Britain and Europeans been systematically robbing out roots to West Africa and usurping the “Rights of the Black Africans to their Past Glorious History”? 

(4) If there was any such migration from India into Europe as claimed by the European Colonial historians who created the Indo-European -Languages; why has Britain mutilated, manufacturing word and borrowing from Continental Europe in effort to Conform to the claimed “European Indo-Aryan Language?. Would the Indo-European Language not have been their original Ancestral Tongue?
According to H.G Wells; “The oral literature of the Celtic who pressed westward had not been preserved so completely as that of the Greeks or Indians; it was written down many centuries later, and so, like the barbaric, primitive English Beowulf, has lost any clear evidence of a period of migration into the lands of an antecedent people . If the pre-Aryans figure in it at all, it is as the fairy-folk of the Irish stories”.

In truth, there were no such language as the Eastern Kel(Celtic). It made and still makes no sense to suggest a spreading (pressing ) westward. Westward from where?.
Kel (Cel[tic]) was original tongue of the British Ancestors or what was referred to as "antecedent people". H. G. Wells set the tone and the process of eliminating the true origin of the Kel-Tongue by relegation of what he perceived as the "primitive and barbaric English Beowulf"  . 

Note that H.G. Wells did not know or understand the true meaning and origin of "Arya". Arya, which means, Light-complexion or Arya(n) One that is light in complexion. It was the original tongue of the people who spoke Kel(Celtic) and therefore of the British Isle. Any spreading of the Aryan Speakers  Tongue was from the British Isle to Eastwards into Mainland Europe.

(5) The Proto-Kel language (Proto Celtic Language), also called Common Kel; the reconstructed ancestral language of the known Kel , Eseh (Celtic) languages. “If its lexis can be possibly reconstructed on the basis of an unbiased comparative method of historical linguistics; to conform and be accepted as a language of their Ancestors. What then would be the true origin of their original Language?”. 
Refer: to ~ the Proto Celtic Word List. Note that even as reconstructed, with no reference to ancient roots, it is Igboic and a Bantuselle Language.
 The immediate confirmation that the reconstruction is headed right is the absence of the Non-tongue character "C" and the restoration of "K", Kw, and "S" etc. There are obvious absence of  "nw", "gw", "sh", "kp", "kh", "gb", "gh", "bh", "dh", "ny", "ng" etc. It also has not considered the double letter alphabet sound vowels "um", "un", "ei", "eh".   
 The Children of Enge Umu Unnaato meaning the Descendant of Three Brothers who inhabited “Ala Engele-Ukwu Chi”. The name that identified the Onimas(Islands) from the other Onimas of the Oshimiri Ouwerre (Atlantic Ocean). Ala Engele-Ukwu Chi, means “ The Land at the Edge, of God’s Stepping feet).
The Proof of the Lexical Similarity and Intelligibility with any specific Indian Language will invariable be  handled under the heading “Niger Indo Asiatic Languages” . 

(6) The Common Celtic Languages as exemplified here:
 un-conformed-Celtic );                    Modern  English (Conformed)       Atlantic Celtic 
Me zo o komz gant ma amezeg  "I am talking with my neighbour"            "táim ag labhairt lem chomharsain"
Me a gomz gant ma amezeg [bep mintin] "I talk with my neighbour [every morning]" "Labhraim lem chomharsain                                                                                                                                                                        [gach maidin]"

Neither the Eseh-Keltic(the un-conformed Celtic language) nor the Atlantic Kel(the conformed Celtic) is similar in its lexical and intelligible context with the Modern Conformed English. Yet the Conformed English is not similar to the Latin nor the Latino Language except for the obviously borrowed words and syntax. The British has reed itself of Eseh-Kel (Eseh-Keltik) in pursuance of commonality with Continental Europe and the claim to an Indo-European Language membership. 

Note: Below is a classical  mutilation and demeaning of words in order to produce or arrive at a pre-conceived word. 
This is the current efforts to compromise the Irish Ancestral Tongue by replacing or reducing to single alphabet of such double alphabets as:
:Na, Dh, bh, gh, zh, jeh, and lge which began by late 1940s sponsored by the English.

In the Gaighdeán Oifigiúil (the official written standard) the name of the language is Gaeilge : (Irish pronunciation: ['geghige]), before the British sponsored spelling reform of 1948> Gaeile earlier was spelled Gaedhilge. Gaedhealg which was the genitive of Gaeilge  became the form used in  Modern Irish. 
Older tongue in Middle Irish, was spelled as  Gaoidhealg  [ge:jehlge]. The same was  in the Old Irish spelled as [goiðelge] . 
The modern spelling results from the deletion of the silent dh, gh or zh in the middle of Gaezhilge yielding gaeilge. Please refer to:~ (Omniglot: On Irish Gaeilge: the names of the language).

Other forms of the name found in the various modern Irish dialects, in addition to south Connacht Gaeiehlge mentioned above, is being manipulated with the inclusion of “lic” as in Gaedhilic/Gaeilic/Gaeilig to force the pronunciation to (['genyac]) or Gaedhlag (['gezhlag]) in Ulster Irish and northern Connacht Irish. It is notable how the tongue has resisted in the play between,
“lic”; “lag”; “lig” and “yac”.  In the Munster Irish Gaedhealaing/Gaoluinn/Gaelainn (['ghezhi h]/'ghezhin]) amplify the tongues resistance to changes.(Omniglot: On Irish Gaeilge: the names of the language).

The double letter alphabets (Insular West African Alphabets) are being removed to create the so called Celtic Family of Languages. To facilitate this radical change, the Non-Tongued Alphabets such as “C” “A”[ ‘a’ in Able or Abel represented by the Tongued “Eh” of the Niger Igbo] etc. were created. In this creation “C”, and “A”  represent a range of Alphabet Tongued Sound.

Example may include  “K” sound in Corn or Scott or Circle as it also is the “S or Tse” or in Center or Circle. How is it that "C" is the alphabet "k" also "s" at same time?
Thank God it is a much more open minded World; with some rare evidences below; the content of which is the courtesy of the “Breton Conjugated conjunctions” of the Common Breton.”  

At a glance one peaks out the English, made possible by the intentional distancing of 
self from the Original Family of Languages the Kel. The Brothers who inhabited these Atlantic Islands spoke one Original Language, the language of the Society of their Ancestors.  

The only non-European group of languages to which these tongues are considered as original (Insular) and therefore the pointer to the original Society of these language Speakers is not India but West Africa; in the Niger Basin Igbo Language of the Supper Group Bantuselle Languages. 
The Lexicon associated with culture of the society that is original to the above speaker was one with the Igbo the Bantuselle. 

It is tremendously necessary to carefully seek out these tongues and their elaborate implications regarding the origin of the European Speakers: (The World to Judge):
The same society and culture bearing the lexically similar tongues was the same as spread into India but that was much later than the Society and Culture that had established firmly in Europe. The spreading to Europe was older than the spreading to India when we consider that the Sub-Tropical Mediterranean Europe was African and indeed West African within the context of Ouwarre Block.  Older still was the spreading of the Igbo into the Onimah of Oshimiri Ouwarre [the Islands of the Atlantic Ocean]. There has not been any drastic Climatic and Environment changes on the planet Earth to change the flow northwards of the warm Tropical Oceanic Current since the Last Ice Age and even during the Last Ice Age. And this reflected on the British Isles [Ireland, Wells, England and Scotland] which were not glaciated when the Mainland Temperate Regions were. This left the British Isles as part of Africa along with the Mediterranean Region during the Last Ice Age.

Breton: [Zo] [ga] nin], [un], [zhia], [nti], [nte]
Cornish: [yma]; [ney]; [gh]; [ge]; [nsi]; [chi], [wgh].
Welsh:    [mae]; [ge]; [geni]; [lyf]; [ge]; [ny]; [ti]; [dio];[gan]; [di]; [hi]; [dihi]; [nty];
                [tyn];  [ntyn]; [ch]; [chi];  [nych]; [nychi]; [dy]; [chidy].
  Irish:     [ta’-]; [bh]; [agha]; [agam]; [de]; [ch]; [och];[ai];[ci]; [aici]; [te];
                [at-te]; [ch]; [aga]; [agai]; [ibh].
Scottish: [tha]; [le]; [abh]; [agam]; [de]; [ch]; [och]; [aga]; [ana]; [abh]; [ai]; [aic];

In the above, there has been an action to change ki to ci. The Ancient ancestors did not have the un-tongued-Alphabet "c" in "aic". in the Scottish above is a late introduction. The ancestral tongue would have been "aik
These tongues have resisted the bid to change them even by force dipping them into the so called Indo European Language.

References: Comparative Celtic Language
Ball, Martin J. & James Fife (ed.) (1993). The Celtic Languages. London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-01035-7. Borsley, Robert D. & Ian Roberts (ed.) (1996). The Syntax of the Celtic Languages: A Comparative Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 
McCone, K. (1996). Towards a Relative Chronology of Ancient and Medieval Celtic Sound Change
Frederik Kortlandt, Leiden University, More on the chronology of Celtic sound changes.

[2]The World Wide Igbo Sound Shift: African Language History  
The World Wide Igbo Sound Shift can be abstractly represented as represented in Grimm's law. The Oldest Sound shift came from Alagwurike (Greece) the Mediterranean Ancient Igbo Language. 
This Sound Shift  was later shown in Ala Umana Ike (Gernany); in what is also known as the Rask's-Grimm's Law or the  First Germanic Sound Shift rule. Note that Ikeumana or Umanaike all refer to Central Mainland Europe. They were the Oyigbo Bekkeh in the Handed Down History. The North of which Region was Obieke Umana which were referred to in the Handed Down History as also Obikeumana or Umanaobike these were also said to have Ugbala (Igret White) Skin Complexion. 
From Alagwurike the “th” became the symbol “θ” and named “thetha”
                                   “Ch became Kh and then was kappa which later became “Cc” or Xx
                                   “Ph became phi  with the symbol “Φ” or f
                                    “ɔ” became “Oo”
These have refused to lend authenticity to the Indo-European Language Claim

 Bantuselle Igbo Morphology
[bh]; morphemes : b or h or p or bi or bii or bh or bng or bing
[gb]; morphemes:  g, or b, or gi or bi or bii or bh or bng or bing
[ch]; morphemes:  c, or h, or ci, or hi, or si or sh or chi or shi or tse or se
[dh]; morphemes:  d or h or θ or tie or di or dii or bh or dng or ding 
[gh]; morphemes:  g, or h, or d or k or ge or he or gn, or ne or nh, or bh
[gw] ;morphemes:  g, or w or gi or wi or gu, or wu, v or vi, wo 
[kp];  morphemes:  k, or p, or ku, or pu, ka, or pa or kk or pp or kh
[kw]; morphemes:  k or w, or ku, or wu, or Q, or Qa, or Qu , Kwa, or Qua or Kah 
[kh]; morphemes: h or k, or ki, or ci, hi or q, qu, or qui 
[nw]; morphemes:  n, or w, or ni, or wi, or No, or Wo, or Non, or Won, Nong or Wong  
[sh];  morphemes:  s, or h, or si, or hi, or Su, or Hu, Tse or se or xh or xw
[zh]; morphemes:  z, or h, or zi, or hi,or zin, or hin or zing or Hing 
[ny]; morphemes: n, or y or ni, yi, or nin, or yin, ning, or ying, nan, yan, nang or yang. 
[th];  morphemes: t, or h; tte or ttie, tie, or te or hie, ty, chy or tse or se, d, de, dh
The double Vowels known to belong to Insular Igbo Alphabet System include:
           [ai], [ei] and [ae]
Note also the Asiatic tongued morphemes of the above (a few samples)
Gba morphemes:  ga, ba,   gaba ,   gab--,    baga       bag--
cha morphemes:   ka, cha, kawa,    kaw--,   waka      wag--     kav,  vak
dha morphemes:  da,  ha,    daha ,  dah--     daha       dah--     
gha morphemes:  ga,  ha     gaha     gah;      haga       hag--
gwa morphemes: ga,  wa,   gawa    gaw--    waga      wah        gav    vag
kwa morphemes: ka,  wa    kawa    kaw--    waka      kaw--     kav     vak
nwa morphemes: na,  wa    nawa    naw--    wana      naw--     nav     van

[2.1]The Niger Basin Igbo Morphological Trend: African Language History
This issue is discussed in greater details later when we will deal with the spreading of the Igbo Language through Africa and beyond. 
The above Lexically Similar Roots, are shown as possible exhibits of their mutation and morphological trends. 
The Common Origin of the above is noted in their Lexical-Similarities and Intelligibility.
The comparison between the West Africa Niger Basin Igbo; Indo Arian and the British Languages will expose to the reader the level of mutilations carried out in order to conform the British English with mainland Europe. The conformed language may now lay claim to European  Aryan Original claim that was false even from the word “Arya”. If Europe was of Indo Origin, why would they go to such extent to justify it; would their original tongue not have been Indo right from the start?. In the Conformist English Language the alphabet system has moved further away from any known Indo Language, especially from the European re-creation called the Sanskrit.
[2.2]The Romanized Conformist-English Alphabet : 
A(a), B(b), C ( c) , D(d), E(e), F(f), G(g), Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.

Noted:  “A(a)” is not any more an independent alphabet in English Language. An alphabet can only represent one Mouthed Tongue. “A(a)” as in account, or attend or about, or America; is not same alphabet as 
                                       “a” in “Age”; ancient or Race.  The alphabet sound in Age, by the ancient
                                         ancestor was rather the “Eh/E” sound of the Igbo Alphabet. It is
                                         inherited(inherent) and it is insular Igbo (Bantu).

Such have refused to be rubbed off from its root;  so did the tongue “Ing” or “Eng” got stuck to Enge-land;  the land of the people  known as Enge and who now speak the language Enge-lish; comprised of the group Kel/Eseh. That was insular Igbo-Owerre. Note that Ogirish or Ogilish, either one, refers to the tree that smells like Ogiri. In insular Igbo “rish” or “lish” or "ish",  means that some thing “is of some other or filled with that other thing”. The tongue that “is of Enge“, hence “Engelish” transformed to “English”.   
A similar argument, applies to “ch, ny etc.” preserved in the “Tongue” of the Romans, and “Ike of Ike-ømana ” in the German.
 The Igbo and Indian Alphabets included all of the English Alphabets plus the following:
The Igbo Originals the “Niger Basin Igbo and the Niger Congo Insular Tongues; including the double letter alphabets;”. As shown below, the “English Ancestral Tongue” are the alphabets created from inherited ancient Kel/Eseh  tongue.
Igbo Niger Kel/Eseh              Niger Indo Arian                     Niger Euro ømana (Central Europe)
Igbo Niger-Congo                  Niger Indo Asiatic                               Niger Arya(n) European
   Aa                                                 Aa                                                           A
  Ah                                                  Ah                                                           A
   B                                                    B                                                            B
   Bh                                                  Bh                                                         -
   gb                                                  Gba [Gha]                                               _
  Ch                                                  Ch                                                          Ch
   D                                                     D                                                           D
   Dh                                                  Dh                                                          -
   Eh                                                   Eh                                                          A
   E                                                      E                                                           E/A
   Feh                                                  Fehi                                                       F (ef )
   Ph ~fei                                              ph ~fei                                                ph  (f)
   G                                                     G                                                            G  
 Gh                                                   Gha                                                           _
 Gw                                             Gwa/gawa                                                      _ 
 Hi [hy]; [hei]; [he]                           Hi [hy]                                                    Hechi                
 leh~ elu                                            leh                                                           el  
 Jeh                                                   Jah                                                           Jeh 
 Keh                                                  Keh                                                          Keh
 Kh                                                    Kh                                                            -
 Kw                                                   kwa/kawa                                                 _  
 Kp                                                    Kpa                                                           _
 Lei                                                    Lai                                                           eLu 
 Mei                                                   Mai                                                         eMu 
 Nei                                                    Nai                                                          eN 
 Nw                                                    Nwa/nawa/nava                                               _                    
 Ny;                                                    Ny/naya                                                    _ 
  Oo                                                    Oo                                                             Oo
  øø                                                    øø                                                              -
  Ɔ                                                      Ɔ  is the o/u as in "on"/"up"                       o/u
  p                                                       p                                                                 p
  Rei                                                   Reh                                                            aR 
  Sei                                                   Seh                                                             ehS 
  sh                                                     Sh                                                             Sh/si 
  Tii                                                    Te*h                                                          Tii               
 Vi                                                      wa                                                               Vi
 Wi                                                     Va                                                               Wi 
 Zh                                                     Hz                                                              _  
 Yeh                                                   Yeh                                                             Y-wie 
 zeh                                                    Zeh                                                             Zed 

Insular                            Insular Niger Igbo            Insular Niger Igbo                                                                                                                                   Euro-ømanaike (Gernanic)
Igbo Alphabets              Indo-Arian Alphabet                        Alphabet    
KH(kh)                                   KA(ka)                                        K> C
CH(ch)                                   CHA(cha)                                    Ch> C, Ci  
ZH(zh)                                   ZHA(zha)                                     Z, H, Za; Ha 
 NW(nw)                                                                                     _  
 NY(ny)                                                                                       _   
ø; oo                                   ø; oo                               o
 Aw                                       aw                                                   o ; u    
AU(au)                                  AU(au)                                           AU> a; u
 GH(gh)                                GHA(gha)(gaha                             Gh,> h; g,  
 GB(gb) ~bh                         BHA(bha)(baha)                            bh >b
 ZH(zh)                                JH(jha) (jaha)                                 Zh> j. b; p 
 PH(ph)                                PH(pha)(paha)                                PH> ph; ef; p 
 WA(wa)                              VA(va)(ava)                                   WA(wa)
 GW(gw) or (gwa)               GWA(gwa)] [gava]                        GW> b, g, w
 KP(kp)                                 KPA(kpa)] kapa                           _              
  KW(kw)                             [KWA(kwa)]                                 _              

The following unique characters have been suffering since the advent of the Typewriter. In the new age of computer languages many software’s are offering them a come-back. Make no mistake about them because they have always been alive in the phonology of the World languages.

The reconstruction trend of  Inherent Igbo Language (the Bantuselle) :continues: thus
  Unique Insular Igbo                    Proto Celtic Reconstruction                Written Form        
   gw       (gwa)                                    gw > b or gw > gʷ)             gw > b or gw > gʷ> b or g
  ghw     (ghwa)                                          gʰw > gʷʰ                                  gʷ> b or g
   gh         (gha)                                           gʰ > g                                        gʰ > g           
   kp         (kpa)                                           kp> k, p                                   kp> p, k
   kw        (kwa)                                           kw > kʷ                                     kw > k                  
   kh         (kha)                                           kh >kh                                    kh;> ch, k, c 
   nw       (nwa)                                      nw> nn, na, ng                         nw> na, nn,ng
   ny         (nya)                                           ny> ng; y, g                              ng > n, g   
   sh         (sha)                                           sh> sh, es, sha                          sh > sh; s; ce
   bh         (bha)                                            bʰ > b                                         bʰ > b
   dh         (dha)                                           dʰ > d                                        dʰ > d
   zh         (zha)                                           zh > j, jh                                     j                                 
   ch         (cha)                                           ch                                             Ch; c, s, k

These are the unique lexical roots of the two languages compared to each other and both compared with the British Alphabets. These are lacking; in the Conformed British Language (CBL) and the Continental European Languages(CEL) alphabet system.  
 CBL presents no substantiation for phonology, and or morphology, in any English recorded material to allow a secure similarity especially in syntax with any Indian Language especially the Sanskrit. 
What is left in the recorded oldest substantial Celtic; found in Old Irish, are overwhelmingly Insular West African Igbo Tongue (IWAIT).

Friday, December 2, 2016

OUWARRE ~The Middle Block of the Three Ancient Igbo Map of the World

 The Homeland Range of the Ouwarrians:~ The Middle Block of the Ancient World                    

By Chinedu Emeka Anuforo :~ Chinyere Umanuforo III

In correction to the error of the theories and concepts of Race and Racism mentioned earlier, which were peddled throughout the World by European historians and writers; race is presented here, within the Natural Truth, the Historic Truth. It always has been the issue of “Human Self Glorification ~ the claim to I am better human being that him;  the temporary advantage I have now has made me into a different creature”.
The Portions of the World Map above approximated Ouwarre according to the Ancient Igbos.

I have introduced the link from the Igbo(Bantu) West Africa and the Natives of the Americas. The materials used in the introduction, were taken from the Africa's Odyssey, the Outline of Africa's History, which I also nicknamed the "Enigma".

We will now shift from Ogundom, Arika Chinyere and Alaeke~ the Americas~ the Ala Undeida Anwu øwa (the Land of the World's Setting Sun) to the Etitti øwa (Middle World). The introduction here will show that the spreading of Africans to the North of Ouwarre and to the East of Ouwarre was slow and steady. There was no natural disaster that that engendered migration especially to unknown parts of the World. Spreading was sucesseful in populating the world because it was guided by common language and intelligible means of communication. Earlier histories portrayed or sent a picture of sub-human, aimless drifting from place to place. That had the need to zero out the gains and advances by humans and life in the Equatorial, Tropical and Subtropical World before the emancipation of Europe that was propelled by the invention of the gun.

The middle  block of the world, to the Ancient as is handed down was undivided or sectioned as we now have it. Then the Igbo(Bantu) People had their own ways of recognizing and locating their peoples in all the lands that constituted Ouwarre.

 In the Equatorial Genetic Hot-Spot, nature had centered in the Equatorial Africa; where she was stewing up and dishing out even to this day:~ people with different shades of complexion. These shades as listed below, are totally random. The same parents may produce any and all of these differing shades in the children they have.
A nonidentical twin babies may represent any pair listed below. There was no selection or singling out of any kind based on a single gene or combination of genes or group of genes within the Genetic Hot Spot Africa. For example: Any pair has the inherent genetic capacity to reproduce all the kinds listed here: thus
                     (1) The Ugiri-Ugiri (Black with short coiled hair and Ebony Black complexioned )
                     (2) The Iberi-Iberi (Beriberi~ Ebony Black with wavy Hair).
                     (3) The Ukpuhu Ucha Iberi (Light-skinned Black with short coiled hair)
                     (4) The Ukpuhu Ucha Iberi-Iberi ( light skinned with black wavy hair)
                     (5) The Ukpuhu Ucha Arya (Fair Light Skinned with black wavy hair)
                     (6) The Ucha Arya (very light skinned with longer coiled hair)
                     (7) The Anyarei (Extremely light skinned with extremely low pigmentation).
Out of Africa, no isolated type gene(s) generated any special or isolated humans into the world. The men and women who spread from Africa into the world were of same family same common heritage; whether to the North or to the South or West or to the East they spreading was from the same family.

                              THE EXPANSION OF IGBOS (BANTUS)
                           (Extract from Chapter Five of the Africa's Odyssey)

Ouwerrians: Ancient inhabitants who spread throughout the Middle Block of the Ancient World.
 From Pre-Paleolithic Era to Late Paleolithic Age had spread, sailing to all parts of the Equatorial,  the Tropical and the Sub-Tropical World. They originated the Equatorial and Tropical World Cultures which by Early Neolithic African Age ushered  the Neolithic Cultures and Civilizations of the Equatorial,  the Tropical and the Sub-Tropical World. This Era was to be known as:~ The First Match of the (Igbo)Bantus

By 22,000BCE
 The Second March of the Igbos(Bantus) has reach its peak. By this time, most basic human cultures have been established. The Igbos established the thriving communities, with advanced cultures and civilization now identified as the period of the Second Nuk Civilization that spread throughout the Equatorial, the Tropical and the Sub-Tropical World.

By 13,000BCE the 2nd.Nuk Civilizations and Cultures had reached peaks only to be crowned with the “Bronze Age  Igbo(Bantus)”. This time the “March” was especially into the Melting and Rebounding of the Glaciated Northern and Southern Hemisphere. It was the Ouwarrian era of Second Nuk Civilizations and Cultures marked intensely by the West African Bronze Age.
By 11,000 BC, as what is now Central Europe was melting out, the same was the time of the discovery, mining and casting of Iron. This was the Iron Age Africa and the climax of the Neolithic Age Igbo(Bantu) March or civilization
 By the Time the Lands now called Europe (note that:~ the Mediterranean Regions were part and parcel of what was not glaciated of Ouwarre;~now Africa) was being re-occupied by mostly the West African  and the Mediterranean Igbos(Bantus).
The re-occupants had with then the Cultures and Civilizations inherited by later generation of the Northern Ouwarrians now called Europe.

Northern Ouwerrians: The Ancient Ouwerrians who spread during the Early Paleolithic Age from the Southern Ouwerre now called Africa into the Northern Ouwarre now called Europe were those the Europeans now call Cro-Magnons/Neaderthals. They were pushed back to Africa during the Advancing adverse Climate and Environment of the Last Ice Age.

The Modern Northern Ouwarriasns began after the Ice Age melt-down. These new occupants’ brought with then their African heritage hence the inherent ways of feeling, thinking, dreaming and acting in all the  nations of the Northern Ouwarre  have been marked, by their African Heritage to this day. This cultural inheritance from Africa is visible everywhere in what we now know as Europe and the West.

Arya Iberi: The Ancient Equatorial Ouwarrians who populated the Northern Mediterranean Regions and re-populated Europe after the Last Ice Age. These became the Light-Complexioned Wavy-Haired Igbos(Bantustans) which included all of what we, today know, as Mediterranean Europe. Note that the word “Arya” unqualified stands for “A Light-Skinned Igbo or Light Complexioned Igbo”. The Sub-tropical Ouwarrian lands were regular ordinary homeland of the Ibos(Bantus) during the Last Ice Age till about the emancipation of Ostiya (Rome) by 300 BC. Note that the now British Isle [England, Welse, Ireland and Scottland] though in the Temperate Climatic Zone, was not completely glaciated during the last Ice. The Tropical Currents lowered the rate of glaciatiation and hastened the melting as early as 11,000BC. Hence the Handed Down History stated that the Igbos(Bantus) were goings and coming back from Ala Unge ke Umuunnator (Ungeland of Three Clans  who spoke Kel and Eseh tongues), as they did in Ala Oshimirri Numidi sometines refered to as Oshimirri Aryia Iberi (Lands Mediterranean Sea). The Southern British Isle and Ireland and the Western Coastline were accessible during the unset of the Melting by about 13, 000BC. The Southern lands were inhabited throughout the Last Ice Age . The Stonehenge ranks along with the Southern French, Eastern Spanish, megaliths, Stone Arragements and Ancient Rock Paintings. They all happened during the Last Ice Age.

 Aryallaya Ouwerre: The Ancient Ouwerrians who spread from the Mainland Ouwerre now called Africa into the Aryallaya Iberi the region now Asia Minor.
 Note that Owalla Ukwu Iberi was later called Iberian Sea and much later called the Caspian Sea while Owalla Unta Iberi became the Ariel Sea.
This Ancient Region extended from Oshimiri Unaitoli (the Black Sea) to Ama Uja Unna Atto Nwaesuru (The Three Rivers of the Three Sons of Nwaesuru), which was beyond Owalla Unta Iberi.
Nwaesuru is the name of  a Woman who is wealthy in Turquoise and Pearls. A very beautiful Princess is often named Nwaesuru. This description is as was Handed Down. This Region was part of Ouwarre the Ancient Bantustan Homeland. It was in the Sub-Tropical Range South of  what is now Europe and which was not glaciated as was the north during the Last Ice Age.

 Ala Indi Aria Afagha :  which extended from the East of Asia Minor to India. India was derived from  Indi Aria. Afghan was derived from Aria Afagha. Aria remained as Aria; a regional identification until Europeans conquered India and created an Aryan-Northern India in discrimination of what they called the Dravidian India.

Ala Umurimma of Umu-Chinna: These were Ancient Ouwerrians who spread into the Lands beyond Indi-Aria. The Lands of the Third Block of the Three Blocks of the Earth
which the Ancient called Ala Umurimmah [Land of the Forever Youth]. These inhabited the land and majority of the Tribe of  Umu-Chinna [Children of Father's God]. This Region included Ala Onima Oku-Oshimiri (Islands of the Burning Ocean) beyond Umu-Chi-Unna (Children of Chi-Unna). It is the home of Umu Ariate (the Children of Ariate [Aria-te](Japan , Koria, Kichiga and South to the Philippines).

[5.2] Summary of Definitions 
 To the Mediterranean people of the Sub-tropical Ouwarre; the Ancient Bantustans used the Words:  Arya-Iberi
To the so call Asia Minor, they Ancient Igbos called the Undi Aryallaya-Iberi. Note that for many millenia, Undia refered to what later became Mesopotemia of Uha-Etitti (Hittite), Summara(Sumeria) and Erudu the Central City during the time of Ur.
To the East the Ancient Bantustans used the Words: Undi Aria/Indi-Aria or India (India).
From Umureimma Umu-Chinna to Japan and the Islands of the Burning Ocean the ancient Igbos called Ariate

In summation, the Ancient have identified the Central Block and the Eastern Block of the Handed Down Mental-Atlas thus;
[1] What is now Europe was Arya Iberi from which the modern derived the words “Arya(n)” and “Iberi(a)”
[2] The Region East of Arya Iberi was Aryallaya Iberi ftom where the Osimeri Ɔha Etitti (sea of the Hitites) became Lake Iberia later the Caspian Sea.  
Aryallaya Iberi extended from Oshimiri Unaitoli [Inland Sea of the Land of Nine Fathers](the Black Sea) and Adanna [Now Turkey] east till the land of the Indi Aria.  In this region, we, the modern, derived the Iberian Sea in the Land of Ettitti, Sumara(Sumeria) and Erudu, Umu Chi-Murru.
By inheritance it later became the Durueke Anu of Umu Unkeishi Uratta (Children of Kush the First son of Ukanem Uratta). It extended eastward till reagion of sheared influence with Ashuka Durueke of Undia Iberi (India)

[3] Indi Aria Iberi. This region extended from Indi Aria Afagha to Umu Chi-Unna
     It is from Indi/Undia that the modern derived  Aria  and India by separating it from Indi Aria.
 Undi Aria Iberi extended from what was Persia now Iran to Ala Undi Afagha now Afghanistan.

The Third Block of the Handed Down Mental Atlas.
[4] East of Indi-Aria is Umu-Chi-Unna and Ariate. From Umu Chi-Unna we have derived China and the region of Ariate. The Identity Umu Ariate have become forgotten but was popular during the reign of the last Asoka from Edoh in what we now call Tokyo-Japan.

Friday, September 23, 2016

[1] Ethnology: Central and South America Natives.
Stronger than the Stone Heads of the Americas are the Linguistic obvious similarities and intelligibility of the Central and Southern American Languages with the Bantuselle especially the Niger Basin Bantuselle Language Family.

[1.1] The South American Ethnologic Family: ~(Children  of the Sun): Rara Kuru

In the Americas as was the case with Africa the partitions and boundaries imposed on the once unbounded region has created Countries that no longer see themselves as one people, one society and one origin.
From the Kariba through all of the North of South Alaekeh(South America), one language was spoken. This language was spoken even with dialects that were similar as they were inteligible to each other. The Igbo(Bantu) Language Arakawa (Arakwa) out of which all the other dialects emerged cannot be differentiated both in sound and semantics. In this region, the Arakawa (Arakwa) is the primary tongue. Kariba is the most immediate and more linguistically similar to the Arakawa. The further one moves from Arakawa and Kariba, the dialects become heavier. The spreading away from the Coastal and Equatorial region generated such dialects as the (Chibiche)~ Chibicha , Ge(Geh), (Kwechuwa)~ Quechua , Tupi, Aymara  and  Arawuka~ Arauka. As we continue with Native American tongues, we will encounter the underlined portion of these tongues which represent the Europeanization of the local vernacular. Away from the West Indies (the Onimas of Oshimiri Alaeke na Ogundom) ~ the Caribbean Sea Islands into the Continental mainland, the dialects of Arakawa-Kariba flourished in Brazil. It became the common tongue in the Western Brazil Amazon, Bolivian Amazon, Peru and in the Coastal Lands now called Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. To the South of Brazil into Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile the Tupi of Arakawa family was dominant.

[1.2] Mega Phylum: Niger Arakawa-Kariba
     (1) Rarakuru Chukwunamba [Tupinamba] (Note Chukwu was translated to Tupu then Tupi 
           by the Portuguese).  Tupinamba (Abrviated Tupi)
         (1a) Brazil Tupinamba 
         (1b) Paraguay Tupinamba 
     (2)  Rarakuru Kwechiuwa (Kwechuwa)
          (2a) Nwanka Kwechiuwa in the Peru Mountains  
          (2b) Kwechiwa Runa Simi and Nwakasgi 
          (2c) Chicha Nwanka
                  (2c1) Nwala Nwanka 
                  (2c2) Nwachiwa Nwanka
                  (2c3) Shanwashi Nwanka
      (3) Kajamaraka Kwechiwa In the Peru Mountains 
           (3a) Aka Lenwa Kwechiwa
           (3b) Aka Fernafe
     (4) Inkenwashi Kanari Loja
           (4a) Inkechiwa Kwechiuwa Peru, 
           (4b)Colombia and Ecuador~ Chimburazo Inkechiwa and Unbaburu Inkechiwa 

The test is for the Indigenous Natives of  Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina the peoples of the Central Andean Mountains and the Brazilian, Paraguayan of the Amazon Paraguay regions as to the “Similarities” and “Intelligibility” of these  Tupi/Simi/Imi (Tongues  or Tribal Tongues) of their people with the African Bantuselle.

 The most striking similarity is the absence of “C” and “Q” in these Tongue. This results in an alphabet system void of the character “C”. This symbol “C” is a non-tongued European diversion from their original Bantuselle Tongues. It has been employed to Europeanize the Insular Bantuselle Alphabet Sounds of K, Ka. Ki, Ku, Ko, and S, Se, Sh,
Even the symbol  “Q” is the replacement of  the African tongue-sounds~ Kw, Kwu, Kh, Kwi, Kwa, Kwe, Kii; the Kwa, Ka, Ko, etc. It originated from the brake up of Igbo(Bantu) Double Alphabet symbol “CH(ch)” yielding the morphemes [ch]; [c]; [h] ”. While [Ch] and [H] are inherent insular Igbo(Bantu), [c], then was employed by European as a rover symbol that sometimes may take the place of  [S(s)] and [SH(sh)]  or the place of [K(k)] to reduce what the colonial classifiers perceived as Sh-sh-sh and Ka-ak-ka sounds in their own tongues and to deffer somewhat from Africans.
Examples:  “C” in  Kolombia (Colombia), or in kan (can) or in Kup (cup) or Senter (center), Sertifikate (Certificate).
Now, notes that “C” that begins the word Certificate replaced “S” while the same latter “c” replaced “k”; In the European Alphabet system C is same as S or K etc. Every sound from the tongue has its unique alphabet. Now with the completeness of the original inherited tongue, it became very easy to manipulate either by elimination or by substitution or by creation of roving alphabets as seen above.
Examples: “Q” in  Kwechuwa (Quechua) or Kwubeki (Qubebec), or Kwiiki ([Quii[c]k]) (Quick)  or “kw” in Ekwɔlø (Equal) or Ekwetɔr (Equator) or Kweshionu (Question) or as in Kwiiki (Quick)      
Examples by elimination: “ɔ” is an original tongued-alphabet but eliminated by the English and substituted with [u] pronounced as the “u” in  Kɔp/(Cup). It is also often replaced with “Or” as in Ɔdɔr (Ordor); the same was the fate of “ɔɔ”; ɔr and “ɔɔr” ; “ɔrr”.
The Sound  “ø” was always replaced with the sound of “OO”, “yoo” “Uwz” as in øzbek (Uzbek), or økhraine (Ukraine) or ølm (Ulm).
  The shortening or removal or replacement of the Double/Triple Letter African Alphabets coupled by spelling according as pronounced, European accent has made it not so easy to reconstruct Languages that have been influenced in the “European attempts at pronouncing the tongues of other Languages” . Only the speaker of a tongue can effectively tell the similarities between his tongue and another persons.

Note: The above examples in alphabet letters are rover letters that enable the European derive from the pre-existing Language tongues, the new words. They intentionally tried to pull away from their own ancestral tongue in pursuit of conformity with the so called Indo-European Language.

If many of the  removed, changes or hashed, were restored or returned to the tongues in Europe, especially the Old Kel and Eseh of the Ancient English,Welsh, Irish and Scottish, the reconstruction will reunite them into their ancestral clan. The same also goes for the Potokiri-Panya (Portuguese, French, Spanish) or (Ostiya) Latin. The World would with good understanding re-write history.

Below are the South American Major Languages. The Language of the Original Societies that retained the links, which recognize the fact that the American Ancestral Society, was of same origin from the beginning.
In Romanized Alphabets the Languages of the peoples of  South American as is the case also of the Central and North America spells out without mistake the obvious dissimilarities between the Native American Tongues and any European tongues.

But if one was not informed that the Languages under investigation here were not from the Americas, there will be an obvious consensus, that they were African Tongues spoken by African; yet they are American.

The refusal to see the fusion between the Native Americans and the West Africans was in the past when the Imperialist and Neocolonialist West determined for the world, what was history, anthropology, linguistics.

Today the West is different and the world has become conscious of false History, false Anthropological records and erroneous classification of Languages. But falsification with conscious refusal to disambiguate or apologize for misleading the world, does not annihilate the Truth ; the truth patiently waits to eventual, convict and condemn the in-humility in refusing the Truth”.

Today, there are still in existence those who cannot even with tears, accept, the History of Africa even as  presented in the History for Africa by  UNESCO thus:
     “Although the phenomenon may vary in different places, it is now quite clear that ways of feeling, thinking, dreaming and acting in (certain) nations of the *western hemisphere have been marked by their African heritage. The cultural inheritance of Africa is visible everywhere, from the southern United States to northern Brazil, across the Caribbean and on the Pacific seaboard. In certain places it even underpins the cultural identity of some of the most important elements of the population” . …. (UNESCO) General History For Africa.

We introduce the Fusion of Society and the Language of the Society between the African Society and the American Society. This fusion is spelled out in the ways the Americans reason, think, dream and carry-on. The inherent characteristics that shaped their lives. Their inherited cultures, their formation/building of the society, their Language, the node of processing ,the institutions and politics play most important role in the reconstruction of the ancient society and people. The most obvious to a modern investigator is the “Tongue” of the Language which they shared, with the African original ancestors. This is the un-polluted tongues of the One Society Origin, of the Native Americans~ the African Society.

In the past Europe dominated investigations into world languages, it was severely and severally objected; to consider Africa as the “Origin of Anything, not even in and within Africa”.
In the field of Linguistics, no considerations were extended to Africa as the origin and source of  any language in the World outside Africa. This is becoming very costly as the World re-looks at histories of the Colonial-Imperial writers.
 As regards the Americas, they have made the noble field of Linguistics a laboratory where, people ferment theories and hypothesis regarding the origin of  the languages of the Native American Tongues. No Culture really existed and prospered without a language and every language tends to create a culture.
The obvious remains present, and continues to maintain the fusion, between the Native Americans and Africans especially the West Africans; just as it had in the past in spite of all the volumes of theories compiled by Western Linguists.

Within the Central Americas; as in the Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina region, the Tongued Alphabets of the Old Tupi as was spoken by the Tupi-people, bears uncanny similarity to the Igbo(Bantu) Tongue, from which the Bantustan Languages (Bantuselle) originated. This “Tongue” extended the links from Central American Raramuru to Rarakuru in Peru of the children of Kwechuwa and Kajamaraka; Inkechiwa in Colombia and Ecuador into Aymara people of Bolivia and Chille and the Navajo in United States, the Inuit of Alashikka (Land of Ice) which included Greenland.
For more on this topic please wait for the publication of the African Odyssey~ The History of Africa and the World.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Igbo World

In the previous blogs, the link between the Ancient Ancestors of the Native American and their origin from West Africa has been established, thanks to the discovery of the Olmec/Omlek Stone Head.
 Many think that all that was available to establish the link between the Natives of the Americas and their origin from West Africa are the stone heads. The fact of history show that there were Native Black Americans before the White Man set foot in the Americas. This time the blog will be centered on the link between the Natives of the Americas and West African Igbo(Bantus) based on Language; that means, the spoken tongues. Here, the characters that represent alphabets has noting to contribute. Any character(s) can be used to represent the sound(s) from the mouth that may communicate sense.

[5.3]                           PRE- IAST ICE AGE.
                          Occupation of the World: Map
                                        Map Of the Spreading of the Igbos (the Bantus);

                               The Bering Sea Icy Bridge from Siberia to Alaska: 
It is interesting that some writers and some institutions do know that the traditional theories regarding the Paleo-American origin, which claimed, that the first Americans, crossed the Icy Bridge from Siberia to Alaska was false. By 25,000 BC- 12,000 BC, there were Natives, inhabiting the Americas thousands of years before then. The period 25,000 BC-12,000 BC falls into the Late Neolithic African Stage. The European Chronology does not take into account that when all of Europe except the Southern Mediterranean were glaciated, there was a vibrant World full of life and enterprises. 
Europe began rebounding as the glacial-melt down progressed about 11000 BC. The melting of the Icy Europe was humanly slow though geologically rapid. Life was not instantaneously restored. The inherent error has been the truncation of the World Chronology to fit into the European Chronology. The Icy Highway [ice-free corridor] between the large Canadian ice sheets and the Siberian Ice sheets did not happen. Rather the walk by man was to reach the Tropical Un-glaciated lands to the south.   The claimed walk from the East now Siberia, then buried in over a mile thick glacial Ice to North America did not happen. It simply was too much of an impossible state and to many thousands of miles of Icy Wilderness for such a “migration to have occurred”.

Below was the approximate, chronologically sound spreading of the Africans during the Paleolithic-Ace Age  till the 12,000 BC of the Late Neolithic African Stage  

Pre-Last Ice Age spreading Map by Chinedu Emeka Anuforo all rights reserved
This map represents the likeness of the Earliest Spreading from Africa to the rest of the World
By 80,000 BC, all people in the Temperate and Tundra Regions have been pushed South into the Temperate and Sub-Temperate Regions. By 55,000 BC to 35,000 BC, the Ice cap over most of the Temperate World has reached over a mile thick. Note that the preserved remains of those who died in the Temperate and Tundra Europe during the advancing Ice cap have become the objects for theoretical and academic sentiments in Europe.   

[5.3.1] IAST ICE AGE Occupation of the World: Map
   Alaekeh-Ogundom-Arika Chinyere .                    The Middle World ~ Ouwarre             Umurimma- Ariate- Igbo Opokorpo
Map by Chinedu Emeka Anuforo all rights reserved.

The Bantus originated from the Igbos of West Africa. They conquered and ruled the Tropical, Sub-Tropical and Equatorial World from Ouwarre; which was then comprised of what we now known as Africa and Europe, Asia Minor and India. The trail of their Culture, Language and Civilization are preserved in the peoples and the tongues of the world. The word “Bantu” and the Classification “Bantus” are the modern European invention to account for the Roots of Black Peoples, Igbo Language in all of Africa and beyond. The Sub-Tropical Ouwarre including the Mediterranean Lands during all the period of the Last Ice Age were part and parcel, the homeland of the Igbo or part of what we now call Africa. All the Sub-Tropical Ancient Megaliths, Stone Arrangement and Pyramids were done during the period 38,000 BC through 8,000 BC to 1700 BC. 38,000 BC to 8000 BC was the period of the reign of the Four Umanuforos from the Date of the Covenant between God and the Igbo that was sealed with the Blood of Circumcision. The Igbo Circumcision predated the Hebrew Circumcision by over 28,000 years.(Handed Down History). 8000 BC to 1700 BC was the era of the Imperial Igbo now known as Bantus. It was the time of the Clan Kingdom of Kings. It was when all Kings were the sons of the Doro Unkanem Ucham. These titles were commonly originated from the reigning Doro, himself. Note that the Handed Down History emphasized the fact that all kings, no matter where they were ruling paid allegiance as  sons and subjects of the Doro. When they died the
dead bodies were brought back to be burred in West Africa later known as Ethiopia~ the land were kings were gods. By 1700 BC Inheritance Wars had began creating permanent territories and establishing restriction into lands.
The Handed Down History noted such titles as Duru, Undiku, Ebukka Dei Na Eze, Ashoka, Asoluka, Abamihi, Anu, Foro, Fero, Chieze, Shieze, Chiuku, Chiukwunnaba, Ezar, Abaalza, Arikaala, Chiza, Ezhikka, Agadi Na Eze, Chiappa, Onyenuka, Khato, Tonala, Olinala etc           
The “name” Africa was given to the regions as the Roman knew and understood the world at the time of the name “Africa”.  Before the emancipation of the Romans about 300 BC, Europe and Africa, Asia Minor and India were known as Ouwerre the Middle Block of the Three Blocks of the World according to the handed down history.
 Looking at the World Map as shown below, one comes to the understanding, that the Ancient Igbos had good knowledge of the World. The description of the World according to the Handed Down History through the generations from Chinyere Umanuforo the Doro Ukanem Ucham the Igbo of Ouwerre to the present.

[5.3.2] Handed Down Block Atlas of the Ancient Igbo World