Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Central Americas Olmec/Olmek Stone Heads (Part 1)

We acknowledge the fact that the UNESCO in the general history for Africa accepted that there were myths, in the pre-existing histories. UNESCO failed to list such myths. Today, most of the myths in the pre-existing histories have practically become traditional-beliefs.
 For example, the pre-Columbian histories of the Americas were heavily fixed with mythical origins of the Native Americans. During the Last Ice Age they created the mythical theory :~The Icy-Bridge over the Bearing Sea for the reindeer and reindeer-hunter. This has become a common Western belief. It is sometimes known as the Bearing-Sea Theory.
It has remained still a theory, yet a traditional belief, taught in European and American schools and exported to the rest of the world. It is a myth built on the error, that during the historic times, in which the Temperate Climatic World was buried under Polar-type Ice Caps, man hunted reindeer on foot, across thousands of miles of icy-desert, through Europe and Asia via Siberia to, and through, the thousands of miles of vast Polar-type ice capped North America.
This myth today has been forcefully challenged by the truth and the facts of the artifacts that have preserved the identities of the ancestors of the Native Americans. Today, European and American historians are desperately seeking to give some life to old myths or to salvage the volumes of writings, which they claimed to hold the historic Origin of the Native Americans. New myths(Disambiguating the old)  are today being substituted for the old myths in the newly created period, the so-called "Mesoamerican history". This claimed historic period, is formed to cover-up the truth, titled "Pre-Columbian History of the Americas". Africans were in the Americas during the Pre-Columbian Era. Without contact and knowledge from Africa, Columbus would not have ventured so far into the Oshimiri Ouwarre (The Atlantic Ocean). 
At whatever time, from the Paleolithic Africa’s Stage to the Inheritance Age Africa, West Africans were sailing to and from the Americas.  The international Conspirators to deny Africans their history, are as surprised as the Africans are, including, the writer, regarding the “Resurfacing of the History of Africa”. No one ever expected such a history to ever be preserved. It presents the following statements:
If one looked for the link between the ancient people and the modern people by viewing and analyzing the characteristics and behaviors of the modern and guessing those of the Ancient, especially the World Pyramid Builder, he/she is bound to error. The assumption that there exists breaches and therefore no grounds for conclusion(s),  would be because of the following:
  1. The fact that a civilization’s era often times ends with a period that alienated it, and the people of it’s times, from their descendants.
    • Examples:
      • the Ancient Igbo (Bantustans) Nuk Civilizations, which included the Ancient Uju-Umtata (Egypt) and the modern Egypt and the Greater Nubia or the Achiuwa and the modern East Africans .
      • the Ancient Sumerians, the Babylonians and the modern Iraq and Kuwait.
      • the Ancient Olmec/Omlek, the Mayans and Aztecs and the modern Native Central Americans
      • the Ancient Canaries and their descendants (that have been wiped out by the Colonialists). 
  2. The link was obscured further by the haphazardness of later conquests and colonization of these peoples.The conqueror’s self-centered consideration of human worth, and the abject greed of imperialism capped the obscurity.
  3. The error in the refusal to credit glorifying history to the conquered is regrettable. The subjugated, in colonies who were seen as second-class citizens in their homeland, were not candidate for glorious history. European Historian of the colonial European Age created new histories for the conquered. They fixed, covered-up and buried the defeated peoples past histories.
It is true that the Pyramid Builders did not vanish and disappear from the earth, the current surviving Natives are their descendants. The ancestors of the Umu Alaekeh (Omlek/Olmec), the original Native Americans, who became the ancestors of the Mayans and the Aztecs never did vanish and disappeared from the Earth. The ending of most ancient civilizations had always been a period of alienation between the past and the future. 
The unearthing of the many stone heads in the Americas was the most fundamental element of the work of the archaeologist(s) who excavated the earth. They have brought out the revelation that links the Americas to West Africa. The detailed scrutiny of these stone-heads of the Americas sums the exhibited lineaments, revealing the gross physical attributes, which have led claim to being the representation of the original ancestors of the America's north and south.
Once these artifacts have been published, the archaeologists summation is made subject to the world’s common knowledge regarding the ancient society which the artifacts represent. Hence the World holds differing interpretations from the European interpretations. 
In the past, most European archaeologists have looked at their finds, as objects to be manipulated, objects to re-frame the observable, even to deny the obvious truths, which were the vital characteristics of the ancient society that created the artifacts.
 These archaeologists have interpreted their finds with great efforts to fit them, or credit them to “whomever, or wherever sentiment directed them”. The ultimate goal was to manipulate the revelation of the society that created such objects in spite of the artifacts, which by themselves tend to tell differing stories.
Be sure to read The Central Americas Olmec/Olmek Stone Heads (Part 2) to learn more about the truth behind the Olmec/Olmek stone heads. Part two will be posted soon.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


The idea to begin “The Great Odyssey” ~The History of Africa, from the Americas
came with, the need to draw, the international attention to the African Odyssey. It is necessary to draw the participation of the World in a History that touched all humankind.
                                        NATIVE AMERICANS AFRICAN HERITAGE
[1.1] Definition: Period 100,000 BC-13000 BC and from 13000 BC to 800 BC:
 The Prime Equatorial and Tropical World of the Africans
 Alaekeh; is the name in Igbo [Bantuselle Language] given to the Central and Southern America by the Igbo (Bantu) Ancestors

Arika Chinyere: This was the name of the West of North America, which was also known as Ala Ugwu Arikara [Land of Arikara-the Rocky Mountains].

Ogundom: This was the name of the East of North America, which was also known as Ala Ugwu Ogundom [Land of the Ogundom-now Appalachian Mountains]
qwa Ashikka the World of Ice
 Arya: the light complexioned Igbo (Bantu).
The word Arya when inherited by the Enge, it took an “n” and became "Aryan"

The Ice Age period span more than 122,000 years, until 1600 BC. Between 100,000 BC and 13,000 BC, the period falls within the Last Ice Age in which the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere were completely buried in Mile thick glaciers.
 It was the period that the World, was  ticking and vibrating within the Equatorial and Tropical World.
 It was the era of spreading and occupation of the World to the East and to the West of what is now Africa.
Africa then was the central Block of the World, which the Africans Igbo called Ouwarre.
 It was the period in the World that all of the Tropical and Sub-Tropical Mediterranean Europe, then known as Inde Arya Iberi, and  Asia Minor then known as Aryallaya of Umu Unkeishi Uratta and India then known as Indi Aria were the descendants of the Igbo (Bantu) of Ouwarre.

The region now Africa included what is now Mediterranean Europe, a fact of World History that Colonial European historians covered up. A fact for which, the renowned Historian and Anthropologist, Elliot Smith in the “Migrations of Early Culture”, was reprimanded, for “make Spain a part of Africa”. The mention of Spain here was not at all important. But the Title -The Migrations of Early Culture catches attention. The word “Culture was singular” suggesting, a one culture spreading. A fact that the Early historians preferred to cover-up with theories such as Cro-Magnon, Caucasian theory and Aryanism (fortunately the word Arya-light complexioned Igbo roots the Europeans back into West Africa. (This topic was dealt extensively in the “The African Odyssey”).

The volume from which this extract is taken, bears the African World to the Americas from the Paleolithic Stage Africa, through the Neolithic Stage, Bronze Stage, Iron Stage and finally to the Inheritance Stage Africa to October. 11, 1492 when Columbus arrived at Gwanahani, in true history is the Pre-Columbian Era.
The period spanning over 82,000 years of man in the Americas, has been the most controversial and provocative histories the world has even known.
The Ancient Alaekeh of Umu-Alaekeh, now Central and Southern Americas, the Arika Chinyere -the Western North America and the Ogundom~ the Eastern North America have been the most subjected to fictional histories and writings. The writings have rejected the Archaeological, Anthropological and Linguistic evidences exhibited by the Facts-in-Place. These facts favor a more non-fictional or non-sentimental factual history. It is in the Americas that the Western Historians affirmed the consensus on the exclusion of Africa, Africans and African Heritage from the World History.
Fortunately, the Facts-in-Place have refused their rejection, especially the erroneous interpretations of archaeological discoveries. The Artifacts and Ancient -visible objects have vehemently continued to affirm the obvious fusion of the Native Americans and West Africans.
In most cases, the Facts-in-Place have been presented or interpreted without regards, to what the Objects-of-Facts are saying for themselves.

The obvious reasons for objecting the truth of history, which affirms, that West Africa is the origin of the Native Americans:

[1] The implication of Early Seafaring Civilization.
      That West Africans were sailing to and from the Americas, that early in History, was
       too much of Historic Image to be credited to the destroyed, partitioned and colonized
      But no one has asked the question ~who were Africans in the pre-European era? ~[ 38,000 BC to 1400 AD].

[2] The Falsehood of the Colonial Era Sentimental History;
       The predicaments presented to Colonial European Historians by the fact that Africans were sailing to and from the Americas through mid and late advances of the Last Ice Age, were dismissed by crafty elimination of Africa from World History. Africa, removed from history, European Historian produced volumes of writings crediting Africa's, Seafaring Civilization to Umanuwa (Phoenicians), and over celebrated Columbus Trip to the Americas. They did not even consider the fact the Columbus was received on arrival by people, the human-natives of the Americas. They did not ask the natives how they managed to be in the Americas. The removal of Africa from history, engendered the falsification of history regarding the presence of man already in the Americas before the Arrival of Columbus.

[3] Re-writing History
     Acceptance of the truth of History, which affirms the Igbo Seafaring Civilization as early as 80,000 BC and True Origin of the Native Americans and Natives of the Pacific, Atlantic and India Ocean Islands of the World, from Africa obviously will affect quoting Colonial History presidencies rooted in false, sentimental and fictional Histories.

[4] The cover-up of the facts of the Last Ice Age:
“Till the melting of the Last Ice Age, the Region of the Northern Ouwarre (Owarrei), now Europe, excluding the Sub-Tropical-Mediterranean Lands which were, part of Africa, was under Ice cover just like North or South Pole is today. This cover-up of the life and gains of man in all fields, civilization, culture and language during the period before Last Ice Age has melted out of what is now Northern Europe was unfortunate. It makes most European Colonial Histories subject to dismissal as merely fictional writings.

The Temperate Climatic Europe actually was not in History till 800 BC. Between 13000 BC and 800 BC Europe was being reoccupied as the land was still African Homeland.
 The origin of the Ancient Native Americans being in the center of this mishap in history does not actually need any less or more than the visible obvious facts of the Artifacts, the lineament of the peoples (all grouped together as the Ogundomian Lineament), the languages(which has obvious root in Bantuselle), civilizations and cultures and their trail from Africa into the Americas.
Wherever the Igbo (Delineated Bantus) had occupied and developed as Homeland they had built Pyramids, Monuments, Megaliths, Mega Stone-carvings and paintings. These can no longer be dismissed as Afri-centrism. That era is now past. Africans and the modern World know and sees through fictional and falsified histories.

According to the UNESCO in the History for Africa; “But if we want to be sure of not exchanging one myth for another, we must see that historical truth, the matrix of an authentic and un-alienated consciousness, is strictly tested and substantiated”. (The UNESCO-General History for Africa).

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I am Chineduemeka Cyril Anuforo and I am an American, originally an Igbo-man  from Nigeria.
I have a Bachelor Degree in Geology from the University of Minnesota. I began writing The History of Africa and the World after my dad revealed to me what he called "family secrets". Within these family secrets, I found history. The History of Africa and the World. These family secrets have been passed down for 326 generations before me, making it the longest genealogical record ever.
       The secrets handed down from generation to generation point to the history of man during the Last Ice Age, through to the entire Ice residence in the World's Temperate and Polar Regions till about 13,000 B.C. when it began to melt. The pointers reveal the reoccupation of the melted and re-bounding world. The history I have encountered reveals a lot that the world would love to read. This is what this blog is all about.